Butterflies Memories

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There was an old grandmother, with three grandsons, Charlotte of 14 years old, Leo of 13 years old and Carter, of 8 years old. They were sitting right next to their grandmother that was seated in a rocker, the grandmother said: "What if I told you a story, my grandsons?" The three grandsons accept. The old grandmother began. Long time ago in the 1950s there was a beautiful woman called "Margaret". Charlotte interrupt her grandmother to ask a question: "Please, tell me that isn't a princess fairy tale, isn't it?", the grandmother said: "Of course not." Then started again with the story.

Margaret was 27 years old in the 50s, she was pretty, young ,and she had blonde hair, but a little bit dark. Carter interrupt her and said: "Like me", the grandmother said: "Yes, and she had bright blue-green eyes, like Charlotte and was white like the snow, just like Leo", Charlotte said: "Wow!, Then she was so pretty!" The grandmother smiled and continue telling the story to her grandsons.

The pretty girl, Margaret, was a scientist, but she had a special interest in butterflies, she loved butterflies since she was born, but she never touch one. One day in the morning she took the decision of touching one, so she got in her car and she drove until she arrived to a camp, full of flowers, Margaret got down the car and then she saw many butterflies doing what they do best, flying and flying. Margaret tried to touch one butterfly, but she couldn't, then she tried again with another butterfly, but she couldn't do it again, Margaret was getting a little angry, but she was more frustrated, because she didn't understand why butterflies didn't wanted to be touch by her? Then Margaret saw a cute couple trying to touch a butterfly, but it seems like if the butterfly didn't wanted to be touched by them too, not only by her, but the the question was why? Margaret was a scientist so she made an investigation.

Every day she went to the library, but she found something curious, the butterflies that she saw in the camp were not in the encyclopedia of butterflies or maybe she looked at them wrong, because the butterflies that Margaret saw, had a single color all over their body. She saw a yellow one, the yellow one had a yellow body, wings and even the antennas were yellow, so it wasn't a Tiger Swallowtail butterfly and wasn't a Souther Dogface butterfly either, that happened also with the blue one, because it wasn't a Blue Morpho butterfly, or a Ulysses butterfly, so if they weren't of any type and she had not seen one before, it was her opportunity. Why not to start an investigation if it was her opportunity?

The next day she went to the camp, but it didn't matter how much time she would spend trying to touch one she was going to do it. After 3 hours of trying she was getting closer and finally she touched a yellow one and... "Hi mom" a little Margaret said, "Hi sweetheart, see what I just brought you" Margaret's mother said.

Then Margaret understand, they didn't wanted to be touched, because they gave you back some memories, but why?, and only yellow ones or all of them?

Then she touched a blue one and... "You got a 10 in the most difficult test of math, congratulations! You were the only one". Margaret saw that it was a different moment and... feeling... Yes! That was it!

She spend weeks, days, hours and all in that investigation and she made notes:

-Yellow butterflies make you remember moments of happiness.

-Blue butterflies make you remember successful moments.

-Red butterflies make you remember moments when get angry.

-Purple butterflies make you remember when you get sad.

-Black butterflies make you remember when someone died.

-Green ones, when you get a friend, and so on.

The thing is that they make you remember, you get the memories of different feelings of your childhood. There was a golden butterfly, the mother of those butterflies, but she, Margaret, never tried to touch it until one day. When she touch it she remembered all of her childhood, sad, frustrate, happy and all kinds of moments, all of her feelings, doesn't matter what feeling, only memories, they were only memories.

"Just like now you see this golden butterfly right next to me" the grandmother said. "So... are you Margaret?" Charlotte said. "Yes" Margaret said. "But why, I can't touch it, I tried but she fly away" Leo said. "Well that was exactly the same question I made and the answer is a very good one" Margaret said. "Tell it, tell it please" Carter said. "The reason is, that when you grow, sometimes, you don't think like a child, you don't have fun, so you aren't able to be happy inside, that's why you need to remember, to get stress off and enjoy your life, butterflies can be touch but "Memory Butterflies" how I call them, can only be touch when they see that you forgot those times, and you need them back to become successful and happy in your life".

The End

Butterflies Memories - Aurora HernándezWhere stories live. Discover now