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He was panting as he stood on the doorway, his heart pounding with anxiety and from his mad dash back to his room. He had won the race initially back from his anxiety, but could he keep ahead now?

"Bad! Do you want to go on a date with me?"

He had a big dumb grin on his face as he looked at the shorter hybrid, who slowly sat up, his cheeks suddenly becoming lightly dusted with blue, and he covered his mouth looking away. Although not before he saw the small grin forming on the boy's face. Skeppy stood up straighter from his lean on the doorway, and brushed some dark hair from his face. He waited patiently, yet feeling antsy for an answer.

"A...a date?" He asked sheepishly, not wanting to look at the diamond boy.

He nodded, "If you want?"

He raised the magazine to his face, trying to hide the smile, and soft giggle that escaped him, however his tail betrayed him as it thumped happily on the couch. Bad swatted at it with one hand, his face burning with a blush, which he was trying to hide as well.

Skeppy paused, he wanted to wait for an answer, but he was also bouncing on his heels, hoping to get a yes. He chewed his lip impatiently.

"Where would we go?" Bad finally asked quietly. “On. . .on a date?”

He beamed, "Wherever you want! We could go to the park, or to the movies, or to the mall. We could go somewhere like a museum too."

Bad looked up, his green eyes full of the smile that was on his face, his tail wagged again like a traitor, thumping loudly on the cushion next to him. "That sounds awesome!" He slowly lowered the magazine he was using to hide his face, "When can we go?"

Skeppy paused, he hadn't really thought this out, honestly not expecting to get this far in the first place, he tapped his chin thinking, perhaps he was plankton from that cartoon in this moment. "This Saturday?"

"So it's a date then?"

Skeppy grinned and nodded, "So it is." He had to stop himself from clapping his hands together excitedly.

The next few days felt like they moved in slow motion. He wanted to be by Halo's side at any moment he could, he wanted to shower him in affection now that he knew that he could, to hug him and kiss him, and compliment him at every turn. Much like Sappho in all her poems, he wanted to give everything to make Halo happy. Of course, this isn't always possible, and he also respected Bad's privacy, and his choice to keep the relationship private. Which was slowly driving him insane holding back even around their friends.

Skeppy had a harder time than Bad hiding their relationship if he was being honest. Although Sap knew, he had also agreed to keep it quiet. Their tight knit friends were all close and understanding. But the group as a whole, which consisted of about eight or nine students, Bad had wanted to keep things under wraps. So that's exactly what he tried to do, well tried the best he could. But when he hoped the others weren’t looking he would take Bad’s hand or casually wrap an arm around the shorter boy. Little ways of showing his affection.

It was Friday, and the lunch hour bell rang. Skeppy pelted out of his magics class and to the cafeteria to meet up with his friends. He had worked on creating a perfect plan for their date tomorrow, and he was giddy with excitement, he was proud of himself for planning it. He came into the lunch room practically high on emotions, affection, and love as he sat down in his usual seat. George and Dream for once weren't sitting next to each other, instead George was by Bad, with Sap and a gap between the two boys. Skeppy settled into his seat and shot a glance at Sap who shrugged simply. Bad was sitting and drawing in his sketchpad something simple. The little round table was a bit more spaced between them in their seating for once, but Skeppy used that to sit closer to Bad than he normally would, and peaked at the paper under Bad’s hand. It was still a rough sketch but Skeppy recognized it as the two subjects of it kissing. He smiled softly to himself as he turned his attention back to the table. The conversation was light, and George seemed moody so topics never got very in depth or entertaining. Finally the bell chimed again dismissing them for their next period.

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