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Skeppy grinned to himself as he booked the tickets to the movie. It was some poor B grade scary movie that was being released for the month of February. He honestly could care less about a horror movie, but it would give him an excuse to cuddle Bad in the theatre, plus, it would hopefully be dim enough that even if he did become really flustered or scared nobody would be any wiser. He set his communicator down as he got the confirmation message and began to get dressed. It was noon, and a surprisingly warm February morning, the weak sun filtering in through the windows and giving their bedroom a bit of a golden glow. He smiled as he combed through his dark hair, his gems sparkling like - well diamonds in the sunlight. Bad had insisted on getting groceries for their dorm before their date tonight, so it gave him a bit of time to clean and surprise the other hybrid.

He had spent the morning cleaning the dorm (which he barely did. Not that he was messy, but he rarely did it without Bad scolding him like a dad), and had even gone through and organized cupboards, and did all of the chores that were normally shared between the two of them. He smiled in the mirror, his darker skin made the diamonds stand out more as the light caught their shiny surfaces. Gingerly he touched a few on his cheek, pausing. He was still incredibly self conscious about them, and yet, when Bad talked about them, when he would gingerly run a dark clawed thumb across his cheek and smile at him. It made his heart thunder louder than a storm in his chest and feel like it was about to explode with warmth. If anything, he had helped Skeppy become more confident in the jewels, starting to enjoy them. Finding them pretty in their own unique way.

He stepped out of the bathroom, and flicked off the light, looking around their clean room. More pictures since he had first moved in had been added to both of their dressers, he smiled fondly at the still images of him and his friends.

There was a picture of him and Sapnap at the beach, another of Dream, Sapnap, and Skeppy sitting together, with a sleeping George covered in sharpie below them. Another of him and Bad at Christmas. Bad had added a few photos with his friends that now included Skeppy as well. One caught his eye though, it was tucked inside a drawer and the askew dresser drawer revealed it. He pulled out the small frame, it was only a few inches tall and wide, a little bigger than a pocket photo. It was a picture of Skeppy, he was sitting on a stool, with his guitar in his lap. He had a dorky grin on his own face and it seemed Bad had taken the photo when he wasn’t looking since he didn’t remember. He grinned, laughing softly. Judging by the tree in the background it was sometime around Christmas day or shortly after, when he had excitedly started practicing and tuning the new guitar. He returned the image back to it’s hiding place and closed the drawer.

He glanced at the clock that hung on the wall, it was 12:45, Bad should be home shortly now, any minute. He settled down onto their small shared sofa, and began tuning his guitar. He was keeping his mind busy, because if he thought too much about singing to Halo, then he would become too flustered, and would back down before he could do it. His communicator buzzed with a VC request from Sapnap. He accepted and set the device down on speaker mode as he turned his instrument and Sapnap greeted him from the other side.

“Skeeeepyyyy!” Sap called from the other side, dragging out the vowels of his name.

He shook his head laughing softly at the nickname, “Hey nerd, what’re you doing?”

“Calling you.”

“Har har.”

Sapnap laughed from his end, “Ok ok seriously though. I’m working on Mr. Fundy’s assignment from Bio. How are there so many mobs dude?!”

Fundy was the biology teacher to their school, but he also taught war tactics. An odd combination in Skeppy’s opinion, but it seemed to make the hybrid teacher happy. While Skeppy and Bad were the only hybrid students, there were a couple hybrid tutors, mentors, and assistants in the school. They were still so few he could count them on a single hand, but hybrids in general were pretty rare. Their population is low, and almost always to parents who weren’t in a real relationship. One off moments, secret forbidden relationships, and flings. Rarely were they born to a stable household, it was almost literally like finding a needle in a haystack. Fundy though didn’t ever seem to be bothered by the slurs thrown at him by particularly cruel students.

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