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I'm starting this book dinner than expected I just have so many Ideas going through my brain right now to the point where it hurts.

Chase was hanging out with the other pups outside the lookout when he heard something coming from the woods.

"I'll be back pups, I'm gonna go for a walk." Chase told them.

"Alright Chase." They responded obviously bored.

So Chase started looking for what was making that noise.

What could be making that noise?

As Chase got closer he could hear it right in his ear. To Chase it sounded demonic then all of a sudden Chase passed out.


"How do you guys think Chase's walk is going?" Skye asked bored.

"I'm sure it's going fine." Rocky responded.

"Yeah your probably right."


Where am I? And why does my head hurt?

Chase wondered to himself.

I don't recognize this place! Chase was starting to get scared.

Prologue is complete most of the chapters will be longer, I just wanted to get this out and also start on my next idea 😃

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