Sweet lullaby - Wooyoung 1

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Sitting on the velvety smooth mauve pink couch that is off to the left of your living that rests almost against the stark white wall, both you and Wooyoung sat on the same couch but not close but also not far away from each other. Wooyoung sat in the right corner of your couch, his arm resting on the blanket covered arm rest, a pillow hidden within a pillow case covered in different types of leaves, you sat some what in the middle but more towards the left corner, both sat in comfortable silence no one talking, both just fixated on the TV screen in front of you both as the flashing images of the action scene of the kdrama playing in front of you both. As the episode come to an end you pause the episode that was about to play, "do you want any snacks?" You ask standing up, arms stretching above your head and your legs slowly raiding onto the balls of your tippy toes. Your oversized jumper raises ever so slightly on your jogger clad legs.

"sure" Wooyoung said chucking his phone to the other side of the couch where you once sat, walking into your small kitchen you both rummage through the cupboard finding the snacks that would soon disappear like thin air, you both carry arms full of good and drinks back into the living room placing them on the coffee table in front of you. Both sitting back down and opening the snacks eating a few hand fulls before you turn to Woo seeing his cheeks puffed out full of snacks his eyes wide with amusement when you catch him shoving another handful of sweet popcorn into his already full mouth. Staring with an ajar mouth before your eyebrows knit together and eyes began scrunching at the corners of your eyes, the smile lines increasing as you let out a fit of giggles. What you didn't know as you laughed Wooyoung looked at you with soft gently eyes as if you just walked into his life all over again. Going back to pressing play on the kdrama episode you both go back to the comfortable silence, only adding the soft rustle of the bags of food being moved, the bottle tops being screwed off when opened, or maybe the odd sound of the couch dipping when either of you moved to settle in a comfy position.

Half way through the episode, Wooyoung looks to the side to you slightly hunched more than normal, your head resting against your hand that was on the back of the sofa as you sat side ways, your legs tucked in front of you. Letting out an airy laugh he clears the space around him, then gently pulling you towards him your head laying in his lap, he pulls the sleeves that pooled around your wrists over your hands to keep your hands from being cold. The blanket that originally laid next to him on the arm rest was soon set over your lower half making sure to cover your feet, turning off the TV all together, he slowly slouches down pulling his hood over his head, "I can't see it there's a glimmer " Wooyoung starts to sing gently brushing your hair off of your face. As you peacefully sleep and him singing Mist softly to fill the silence his mind starts to wonder.

His mind started to wonder to the times that you came to see him at the concert and you would be within the first few rows by the stage but struggled to see due to your height just about being 5'2ft, to the time when you first met the members apart from Yeosang who already knew you, his mind wondered to the time where you hadn't seen eachother in a while due to his schedule and touring so when he arrived back at the dorm to see you sat there waiting for him or maybe it was the time when you both were in school, both walking out of school Yeosang trailing along the side of you both then you had suddenly stopped to look at some strangers dog for about a minute before walking over and politely asking to stroke their dog.

Wooyoung was glad his mind wondered or else he would never had realised how much he loved you, how much he needed you...more than a friend more than a best friend. He couldn't imagine what his life would be like without you...

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