Part 3

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V's pov

I was so lost in my own world thinking about life, how it changes suddenly to a disaster when the cell's door was opened.

Ins: you are free to go Mr raisingania.

I looked at him in disbelief, it can't be happening, How can they free me just like that?
V: How Can you let me go? I am accused of a Rape case, ANd I don't remember hiring a lawyer, in fact, I accepted the allegation against me.

Ins: Ms.Mathor has taken back the complaint against you, so there's no case now.

I wondered whether she was obliged to do it? or else why would she? I deserved a punishment, did someone force her into this?

I walked out still confused, and then I spotted Mom, Ishaani, and Aryan waiting for me outside the police station. Ishaani came running and hugged me while crying happily. Its strange how she is so happy to see her Rapist brother out of the prison. Mom gave me a look and ignored me, I felt the pain raising inside me but I am worth it.

A: I haven't done it for you, It was the only way to rescue Riddhima.

I looked down sadly not able to meet her eyes only to get shocked hearing her next words.

A: she tried to commit suicide if we didn't save her at the right moment.


A(mockingly): You didn't expect her to be dancing while celebrating losing her virginity the cruelest way, did you?

I(feeling bad for him): Mom, not here please, at least wait till we reach our house.

A: mmm

We arrived home and mom looked at me with pure rage shining in her eyes.

A: You are getting married to Riddhima Today.

What? Will it be fair to her? She will feel tortured her whole life while looking at her rapist in front of her eyes, The prison is a better option to give her justice.

V(stunned): but mom 

A: This is my final decision and I won't listen, I warn you, Vansh to not utter one more word or else you'll see the worse shade of me. I saw the poor girl bleeding after cutting her wrist. She was trying to kill herself because as per her pov she is not pure anymore. And all thanks to you.

Riddhima's house
R's pov
I still can't believe what happened one hour ago, I opened my eyes and found myself in the hospital, my wound was dressed, and I felt horrible, why did they save me? I saw a woman approaching me, and I recognized her, she was Anupriya Ji, That man's mother, I started weeping when I recalled the incident. And she just held me in her arms trying to calm me down.

A: Riddhima, I know that nothing I will undo what happened to you, however, death is not a solution, Why do you feel ashamed? It wasn't your fault, If you want to free your family from humiliation, Then I have a proposal for you.

Author's pov

She didn't understand what she meant, and Anupriya understood her situation and continued
A: A marriage proposal, I want to get you both married today.
R(shaking with fear):w..w..wh..what?

A(sensing her fear): Don't get me wrong, Riddhima, You won't see his face because I won't let him. But for you and for your family, marriage is the best choice, my child.

She cried more wondering how harsh her fate was? She has to marry that man just to save her parents' reputation. She has seen and heard the neighbors insulting them since that incident. She closed her eyes accepting the ugly truth.

R: I am ready!

A: Thank you Riddhima, you won't regret Trusting me, I will protect you.

R(painful expression): I have already regretted trusting and loving people.

Her dad storm inside the room in fury and stood in front of Anupriya.
Ra: My daughter will not marry him, and you, You are doing it for your son, right? Why don't you say that straight? 

She looked so hurt while receiving such an accusation, but she knew better than arguing more and offend him.

A: please try to understand that this is not for him, For her life & her well-being. I know what you've been through for the last days, Please agree.
She folded her hand in front of them in a requesting gesture and Riddhima looked at her dad.

R: Dad, I accept this proposal, and I'll get married to him.

Ra(broke down): I am a horrible father, I couldn't even save my daughter, forgive me, My child.

R(with pain): No dad, don't say that, you were the greatest dad in the world, It was all fated.

Anupriya was having tears in her eyes, seeing all the suffering they are witnessing because of her son.


V's pov 

I was sitting in the darkness inside my room recollecting the past, How I wish if only I go there and change everything!

Fb starts

V's pov

After that encounter with Riddhima, I went directly to my room and took a bath. I changed into my pajama and stood near the window where I've seen her hand in hand with a man. 

So Ms.Pa has a lover, not bad, He is handsome and seems to be a nice man. But poor him, He will have to bear her annoying nature, She is definitely pretty but she looks prettier with her mouth shut. I don't know what's wrong with me? and why I found her so irritating that I left my warm bed to think about her and her lover. Shrugging my thoughts, I went to bed and dozed off.

The other day

I was coming downstairs only to find my mom choking and struggling to breathe, I ran to her but someone reached her before, and Gave her the medicines. Just within a few minutes, her face came back to normal. The girl turned and It was Riddhima.

An: Thank you, Riddhima.

R(scolding her): You are so careless, again you forgot to take your medicines, Aunt you are impossible. (Realizing what she said) Sorry Mme, I over spoke
A: Aree you are like my daughter and I love to see your care.

So Ms.Pa has a very good side too, I guess I was so mean to her yesterday, and Here she is taking care of my mother. I snapped at her when it wasn't her mistake totally. I have to apologize. I saw her coming toward me.

R(hesitated): Vo, Actually, I came to say sorry for what I said, I've crossed my limits, sir.
She genuinely apologized and I smiled at her but frowner at the word "sir".

V: No, It was my mistake too, and I am sorry too, But don't call me sir,  call me Just Vansh.

The amusing look in her eyes was worth-watching, Her pov was evident that she took me for an arrogant man who roams around in agony without any care of the word. Interesting! Very interesting! Then she smiled and I extended my hand reciprocating her smile.

V: So, If I am truly forgiven, Friends?

She hesitated for a few seconds and then she shook hands with me.

R(smilingly): friends
Fb ends
I feel disgusted with myself more now, especially when she is forced to live with her rapist friend, with me!

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