𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

532 13 11

- yay!! actually starting the story now, super sorry it took a while but I literally just finished writing the last part that you just read! my head kinda hurts but imma fight it, anyway I hope you enjoy it!! <3 

Henry woke in the morning to the loud screeching of his alarm clock, his curtains already open, curtesy of his 'wonderful' father that was obviously done on purpose to annoy him because of how the sunshine  instantly attacked his half lidded eyes causing him to groan angrily as he slowly sat up still very tired, hen had been having weird dreams every night they were always the same and always kept him up.

it would start with him walking through the woods, protecting his face with his arms from all of the over grown bushes and branches they all seemed to be there for a reason but why? he had no clue, as he walked his path always lead him to the junkyard where the incident that him and Patrick shared this instantly made him feel uneasy. henry stood in the middle of the messed up area full of smashed and dented cars, sharp objects, alcohol bottles and worst of all.. pat's fridge.. that is where it would all get strange his surroundings would go dark except for a small spotlight on the dismembered animals' 'coffin'.  firstly the door would open, guts and organs would spill out of it then secondly blood would surround him the smell of the decaying animals hit his nose making him want to throw up and leave but it was like he was stuck... paralyzed ...suddenly Patrick would show himself from behind his prized and special fridge a sick and sinister smirk would appear on his face as he took slow but impactful steps towards henry "hi hen~" his voiced echoed and rang into his ears "can I show you something? it will feel good I promise, c'mon don't be a pussy.." he would continue to get closer and closer up until he could reach out towards him, grabbing his waist, forcefully pulling him towards Patrick as their bodies pressed against each other henrys face would turn a deep shade of red, his mind would go blank the only instinct was to punch him as hard as he possibly could but this only made the psycho laugh and get rougher slightly more angry like that was what he wanted and enjoyed. of course this scared him but seeing Patrick more confident and vigorous made henry feel strange, more attracted to him, once he nearly gave into his offer but his father appeared behind him then began to beat his son while Patrick would just laugh hysterically.. that was when henry usually woke up.

bowers sat in his bed staring at his wall for a few moments thinking of his dream which haunted him. he stayed in the same place until his father screamed from downstairs "boy if I get up there and your not dressed im going to beat your ass!!!" butch threatened furiously causing henry to swing his legs out of the side of his bed not even giving him time to stretch. the younger male grabbed a random dark red  sleeveless shirt and tight skinny denim jeans with a chain that would hang off of the pocket then he raced into the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth, he struggled with brushing his hair in the mornings because of his terrible case of bed head, it pissed him off most times "fucking...stay down.." he mumbled to himself while he wet his hand and pressed down on the places that stuck up hoping he could tame them. 

just as he finished he heard his fathers heavy footsteps climbing the stairs quickly, fear ran up his spine giving him goosebumps/chills "shit-" henry cursed under his breath as he rushed back into his bedroom "im done im done." he spoke clearly and quickly as polite as possible. 

a loud car horn beeped loudly twice signaling for henry to come outside, he knew it was the gang a small smile crept onto his face feeling relieved that they were there just in time, saved by idiots huh, henry waved at his father acting a little smug knowing that butch couldn't do anything because there was a chance somebody could see the marks and report it. footsteps ran down the stairs and out of the house his small smirk had already turned into a huge grin "hey bitches!" henry let out a small chuckle but soon stopped when seeing Patrick spread out in the back seat with his feet up on the brown newly cleaned leather seats with a cigarette in his mouth while he was messing with his lighter, slowly burning his hand making his skin red and blistered but Patrick didn't flinch at all he didn't even feel a thing except for a small tingling sensation. 

vic knew that henry always sat in front and if he didn't get it he would always have psychical fights over it, it was pathetic but he would do anything to keep as far as he could from perverted Patrick and his cold hands that couldn't control themselves. victor began to climb out of the shotgun seat as henry approached his gaze still set on pat who was pretty careless until spotting hen, there it was, that gross smile that always made him uncomfy but at the same time glad it was attractive but in a bro way of course.. no homo ... 

once the gang leader finally got into his seat Patrick moved swiftly to pass something to henry.. a piece of paper? henry gave the note passer a side glare not trusting him at all but still out of curiousity he opened the note. what he saw enraged him "what the fuck is this?!" henry hissed at the lanky male at the back who was already snickering at what he did his eyes focusing on how red his friends face had gone "awhh come on hen, chill out~" pat leaned forward and looked down at his note which had a drawing of two stickmen reenacting their fun time in the junkyard with one saying "oh fuck, I love this!!" that one was obviously henry "your such a dick!!! plus your a shitty artist!!" henry ripped up the paper and threw  the pieces out of the window "you liked it sweetheart, don't kid yourself~" Patrick whispered seductively into his ear giving him a small wink earning a swift elbow to the chest. 

"oh stop fighting children.." belch interrupted them before things got more psychical this only made Patrick giggle feeling happy with the reaction he had gotten it was all part of his plan "im not a child, hes the fucking child!" henry spat back while in the back vic just watched everything unfold, taking mental notes of henrys behavior and flustered actions trying to figure out what was going on because he knew that there was something he didn't know about..

after a few more minutes of driving, henry actually stayed quiet somewhat lost in his thought remembering the day and the memory . he even ignored patricks kicking at his chair in an attempt to see the others pissed off face which he found so attractive but he was too distracted.. they finally pulled up into the car park and all hopped out of the trans am, Patrick didn't waste a second as he wrapped his arms around henrys waist and pulled him closer, "get the fuck off me!!!" henry screamed loudly, kicking out his legs frantically he knew this was what Patrick did in his dream and It freaked him out. Patrick tilted his head to the side, raised his brow with a smirk "your such an overreacter.." pat rolled his eyes "leave the poor baby alone hockstetter" victor spoke up for the first time and made everyone chuckle but henry whose eyes were already on the losers...

..will they get away?.. 

- keep reading to find out!! mwahaha, I hope you enjoyed this and if you could comment and share or follow id appreciate it a lot!! <3 <3 

word count: 1367

ℑ 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰.. {hentrick}Where stories live. Discover now