Chapter 1

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(The pic on the side is what Elize is wearing sorry if its blurry)

Chapter 1

~Elize's PoV~

So, we are transported here in 'London' thats what the citizens here said. They are VERY rude, calling me a prostitute and a slut! Thank god there are people that are kind enough to tell us where we are.

Our money was changed into what call 'pounds' I believe. Apparently, it is more expensive than jewels we have in Fiore. Anyways, we are wandering around the city, ignoring the wierd looks from the people we passed by. They were even weirded out when they heard Bridgette and Carla talk. I guess talking cats are not normal around here then. It is quite rare to have a talking and flying cat in Fiore anyways.

"Where are we going to stay?" Wendy asked as we continued walking along the streets of London. I just shrugged, I found an old lady selling fresh fruits, she looks nice enough. Maybe we can ask where the hotel is.

"Come on guys." I said and they followed me towards the fruit stand. "Um... excuse me, m'am." I called, she looked up at me then looked at me up and down.

"Oh my! Wont you get cold at what you are wearing, dearie?!" The old lady asked worriedly. I just smiled and shoom my head.

"No, I am perfectly fine m'am. Could you tell us where the hotel is please? We are kinda new here in London." The lady nodded with a wrinkled smile and started telling us directions where the near hotel is. We bought some fruits to eat and thanked her before we left.

"This city is really huge. I think its larger than Magnolia itself." Bridgette said as she nibbled on her fish. The old lady was also kind enough to give Bridgette and Carla fish.

"Yeah, and its also quite fascinating." I added as I took a bite of my apple while looking around the city.

"Kya!" I heard Wendy scream making me stop and snap my head towards her. She was on her bottom holding her head. I threw my apple in a nearby trash can and went towards Wendy to help her up, but it seems a tall man wearing a black butler outfit beat me to it.

"I apologize, M'lady. I should have watched where I was going." The butler said with a bow.

"E-eh... I-its fine!" Wendy stuttered, her shyness kicking in. This is what is cute about Wendy, whenever she stutters and the way she blushes is just so adorable! Her shyness is so adorable!

"Are you alright, miss?" A boy with navy green hair and cerulean eye while the other was covered with an eyepatch asked.

"Y-yes! Im fine." Wendy squeaked then scooted closer towards me. I chuckled at this as I looked at the butler and the boy.

"What in Queen's name are you wearing?!" The boy asked pointing at me with a disgusted expression. I scowled as I crossed my arms and looked down.

"Geez, I have had enough of people criticizing what I am wearing...." I grumbled under my breath while Wendy giggled at me. "Anyways, I'm sorry but we have to-- where's Bridgette and Carla?"

"They were right here...." Me and Wendy looked up, we immediately sweatdropped. The butler was hugging the two poor Exceeds, while they were screeching and clawing angrily towards him.

"Get him off us!" The two Exceeds screeched making the butler and the boy freeze.

"Did they just...." the butler started.

"Talk...?" The boy finished. Carla was shaking her fist towards the butler as an angry vein popped out of her forehead.

"Yeah yeah, 'Cats cant talk!' 'Thats impossible!' Blah blah! Now, get you're filfthy hands off of us!" Carla screamed at the butler. The two Exceeds managed to slip out of the butler's grasp then they hid behind our legs.

"Get that man away from us! I almost died!" Bridgette screamed angrily pointing towards the butler. I sweatdropped once again and sighed.

"Sorry, they just dont like being hugged from strangers...." I said and laughed awkwardly. The butler blinked then straightened himself up.

"It is quite alright, miss. Oh, how rude of me, I am Sebastian Michaelis and this is my young master, the Earl Ciel Phantomhive." Sebastian said with a smile and a bow. There's something strange about this guy, the demonic aura he gives off. Hmm.... Must be my imagination.

"I am Elize Bonaparte, this is Wendy Marvel, Bridgette and Carla." I introduced with a smile.

"N-nice to meet you...." Wendy stuttered and bowed to them while Bridgette and Carla were hissing towards Sebastian.

"Well, we will be on our way. It is very nice to meet you all, especially you miss Wendy." Ciel said as he and his butler left. I looked down at Wendy who was blushing and staring at Ciel. Oooh, do I smell love in the air? I kinda liked Wendy and Romeo together but he got friendzoned by Wendy. Oh poor poor boy.... Even so, they still remain friends and they prefer to stay it that way.

"Does Wendy have a crush on the Earl Phantomhive?~" I sang making Wendy more flustered, she's as red as a tomato. Aww.... My little Wendy has a crush! Now I like Ciel and Wendy together, they will be the most cutest couple ever!


"This does not look like a hotel...." Carla said with a sweatdrop. We were standing in front of a building called 'Undertaker'. Cool name. Anyways, the lady might have given us the wrong directions.

"Well, lets ask whoever is inside then." I said as we entered the building, inside was a dimly lit room with coffins displayed everywhere and jars of unknown things inside was displayed on a shelf. This place is creepy, is this some kind of funeral parlor or something? I covered my nose because of the horrid smell of corpses from the room we are in.

"E-eh.... Can we go now, Eli-san? I-I dont want to be here anymore." Wendy squeaked as she hid behind me, clutching my coat tightly while the two Exceeds were clawing my boots while shaking violently in fear.

"Dont worry, we just need to ask directions then we'll immediately leave." I said as we went further inside.

"Hehehe~ Are you here to fit for you're coffin, miss?" A creepy voice cackled, we turned towards to that direction and found a man with very long silver hair, his bangs were covering both his eyes, he was wearing some kind of black robe and he also has long black nails.

"U-umm, no. We're here to ask directions for a near hotel, we are new here in London." I said as he hummed in response. "I-I am Elize Bonaparte, this is Wendy Marvel, Carla and Bridgette. Nice to meet you....?"

"Hehehe~ the names Undertaker. Also, there are no hotels that are open in this late hours." Undertaker cackled with a creepy chesire grin. This guy also has some weird accent. Everyone in London has weird accents.

"O-oh, is that so? Well, sorry for bothering you, we will be on our way then...."

"Hmm, why dont you stay with me for a while? I have a spare room for you all." We all stopped then turned to face him.

"Is it alright? I mean we dont want to intrude...."

"Hehehe~ its fine its fine. As long as you help me making my customers pretty~" he sang. Making customers pretty? Is he some make-up artist or a hairstylist? Undertaker saw my confused face, "My customers are the ones who we put in the coffins." He cackled at our paled faces but we nodded anyways. We cant stay and sleep in the streets now do we? Plus, it is kind of cool to make Undertaker's 'customers' pretty I guess.

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