The Beginning

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" Rosette, darling don't go too far okay?! Lunch is almost ready." I heard my mom shouted but, as an 8 year old kid we never really do listen.

A butterfly flew infront of Rosette and it was a very odd looking one, quite different than the usual butterflies you would see in the neighbourhood. It had a pretty cerulean color with a touch of gold and it's almost as if it was glowing. Curiousity of a kid hits Rosette of course.

She followed the butterfly, running on the streets until she was brought into a forest near her home. Diving deep into the forest, the butterfly brought her at some garden with big tall flowers surrounding it.

Looking around, Rosette finally realized she was lost but, somehow the smell of plants calmed her. A certain growl caught her attention and she can't help but notice that it came from the group of roses just a few steps away.

Going forward, her view is getting clear of what's behind those roses, white fur, red eyes, and nine fluffy tails.

" A fox?" Rosette muttered. The fox hissed at her and stood up in a fighting position, ready to bite if she gets near but, as a kid she never really understood what it meant.

" Hello there, you're a pretty fox. Your garden's very pretty." She said and twirled around to get a good view of everything. The fox, seeming to understand what she just said stood normally and sat down as if it was listening to her intently. Observing her every move.

" Do you like plants? I like the smell of them and they're really pretty but, some of them scares me." She uttered standing firm and putting her two arms behind her while looking straight at the fox who only made a quiet purr as a response.

" Do you live here? Can I visit you again?" She asked the fox excitedly. The fox growled low and lay its head down on the grass, closing its eyes, seeing that the kid was no threat to him.

Rosette walked closer and the fox opened their eyes, staring at her, observing her every move. She reached out to touch the fox, but it lifted its head, suddenly becoming weary while still on its stomach.

" I won't hurt you, can we be friends?" The fox only stared at her before lying his head down again on the ground as if saying whatever.

" My name's Rosette, by the way are you a him or a her? One tap for her, two taps for him." She waited enthusiastically for the fox to reply but, nothing came. So she just stood up and sat on the grass just beside the fox, leaning on the tree behind it.

"I guess you can't understand me huh?" suddenly the fox tapped its tail two times.

" Aww, thanks Mr. Fox" she squealed before lying down beside the fox, hugging it in the process which bothered it of course. So, he wiggled free from her grasp and she pouted. Sitting up, she whined.

" Aww, but you're sooooft, you're no fun" Seeing Rosette's reaction the fox just made a sound to reply to her but, purred afterwards, walking towards her before curling up it's body around her. Closing its eyes. She squealed again and caressed the fox's head.

" So we're friends? one tap for yes, two taps for no" She said eyeing his tail which tapped once for her.

" Yey!! Thank you Mr. Fox. You're a very bright one." She said before laying her head on its stomach and drifting to wonderland.

After that, everyday she would come to the forest to visit him and everyday she'll bring stories with her or just play or sleep with the fox.

Making sure to bring food enough for both of them. It went for a long time. She would always visit it in the morning and in the afternoon after returning from school. The fox will greet her by rubbing its head on her cheeks and when sunset comes she'll kiss the fox's snout goodbye whenever she leaves. Growing comfortable with each others presence. Until one day...

Rosette was awakened by the sound of her mother's voice talking to someone.

" I see, you have no control yet over your power that's why you have a hard time maintaining your form in this world. Well, take care Kurama". Looking at her surroundings she found out that she was still at the forest and was still lying down on the ground using the fox as a pillow.

"Huh? Mom? Who's Kurama?"

"Oh darling Rosette, you're finally awake. I've named your friend here Kurama so that it will be easier for both of you won't you agree?" The fox looked at Rosette's mom as if saying something and Rosette nodded as an agreement.

" Is Mr. Fox sick? What do you mean he's having a hard time?" Rosette asked.

" Oh no darling but, you see Kurama here also needs nutritious foods don't you think? We'll bring him a nicer meal tomorrow okay? For now love we should get going, say goodbye to Kurama, you can visit him here tomorrow okay?" Her mom said, eyeing Kurama.

" Okay." Kissing Kurama on the snout, Rosette bid farewell while her mom patted Kurama's head, although there was something in the fox's eyes that looked sad.

Morning came and she found no sign of the fox, thinking it went off somewhere and would be here once she comes back from school but, school ended she still saw no sign of Mr. Fox.

"Mr. Fox? Where are you? Kuramaaaa?" Rosette shouted. Trying her best to find her dear friend.

" Do you not like your name that was given by mom? Is that why you won't show yourself, we can always go back to Mr. Fox you know. Come on.." She said, tears starting to form.

" Mr. Fox please atleast show your tail, one tap for yes two taps for no." Still no sign of him.

"Kurama.. Mr. Fox.." she said finally giving up. Sitting down and hugging her knees to her chest. Crying...

" Pardon my intrusion but..."

Rosette looked up only to find a boy with emerald eyes and red hair, almost her age, maybe a year older or two.

" don't cry" he said wiping her tears with his handkerchief.

" Your fox friend left me this. I think he'll be going back to his home now." Showing a necklace with a rose pendant.

" Really? This was from Kurama? So he didn't hate his name?" She said opening her palms to accept the necklace.

" Of course, if anything he loved it, it suits him very well. He told me to look after you, it seems like you were very dear to him." the red head stated. His face smiling gently at me.

" He could've atleast said goodbye" Rosette pouted.

" Don't worry, I'll be here as a substitute, Kurama did say to take care of you, here let me help you." he took the necklace from Rosette and gently hooked it at the back of her neck.

"There you go, you look lovely" His emerald eyes stared at her, pleased with the girl infront of him.

" Hmm he's gone but, somehow I can feel like he's still here" Rosette said, touching the rose pendant while staring directly into his green orbs.

He laughed a little bit with her comment and scratched the back of his head before letting his hands fall on his side. Looking directly in her eyes, he introduced himself, as if very pleased with what she said.

" I'm Shuichi, Shuichi Minamino, you are?" he smiled brightly and with grace.

" Rosette Mitzkuni, nice to meet you Shuichi"

" The pleasure's all mine, Rosette" he smiled gently at her.

After that Rosette have never seen Kurama but, her sadness was taken care of by Shuichi yet still, she hopes she'll still meet the fox someday.

For now though, this was the start of a blooming friendship with Shuichi Minamino. As years passed they were inseparable. They were always a team. What does the future hold?

A/N: And that my dear friends, is the first chapter, tell me what you think, I'll see to it if this story gets a lot of reads before continuing it since yyh as you all know is a very old anime. So let's see what happens from here 😁 Thanks!

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