Can I Find Love Again

50 2 10


Written by AbigailMoreno870
Reviewed by dallas1213
Aka Katherine

Chapter one:
Loved it! The plot was spot on! And I loved how you gave a little information on the parents:)

I wish I looked like Amelia when I was twelve❤

Chapter two:
The relationship Amelia has with her father is truly wonderful and sweet❤

I got a really good laugh at what Amelia said about Cassandra😂

Chapter three:
I already dislike Amanda, I mean she is acting like a brat. Yeah, I get it, it's hard to deal with family issues like that, but it's life and she needs to put her big girl pants on and be nice to Amelia. I mean it won't kill her to at least stop glaring at poor Amelia.

Chapter four:
I knew for a fact that women was unfaithful since we first were introduced to her.

Very good job on the plot, you are making me feel what Amelia is going through❤

And when Cassandra said "What? can you guys stop looking at me like that I know I look beautiful like always."

I literally thought "Umm honey you are literally the only person who thinks that."

Chapter five:
Umm Amanda sorry to break it to you but the boy isn't looking at you, instead his eyes are on Amelia.

When the boy kissed Amelia my jaw literally hit the ground! Like how does a twelve get her first kiss at TWELVE!!!! How!!!

Cover: 10/10
Plot: 15/15
Grammar: 8/10
Spelling: 10/10
Personal enjoyment: 10/10

Ok so the only thing I suggest that needs to be improved is your grammar, but other than that your is book is truly wonderful and I can't wait until you publish the sixth chapter❤

Have a wonderful day/night❤✨

(Ps thank you for giving me this opportunity to review your book❤)


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