Chapter VIII

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A few days later

 I walked into the cafe across from my vet clinic, my brother invited me to lunch it's a bit weird that I have a brother for the last few years it's just me, my mom and her partner, of course my son Connor, and now I have an older brother and the Reagans family. 

- Kaylie, I'm here,- Joe called to me 

- Hi,-  I said to my brother

 - Hi - 

- You thought about our grandfather's suggestions,-  Joe asked me I didn't even have a chance to answer because the waitress came to our table 

- Excuse me if I can take the order,- the waitress asked 

- For me, please, coffee and chocolate cake, and for you, sis - 

- Cappucino and chocolate cake too - 

- I'll get the orders in a moment,- said the waitress 

- So ... - 

- Yes, I think Grandpa is right that we should change the name -

 - Really -

 - I'll have two names, Sullivan-Reagan or Reagan-Sullivan? -

 - And you ? -

 - I don't know, Kaylie I'm afraid they will treat me differently at work -

 - Joe, grandpa suggested it because I want his grandchildren to bear their father's surname -

 - Kaylie, but you don't understand Grandpa Frank is a commissioner -

 - Joe, I know what you mean, but so what if he's a police commissioner. Firstly, you are his grandson, and secondly, it's not their business but yours, and thirdly, grandfather and the rest of the family did not know about our existence, fourth, you were a cop before you found out about your origins, etc. -

- Agreed,- Joe said after a while

 - What - 

- You're right Kaylie, I can't look at others because I'll be criticizing me -

- Great - 

- We are Reagans and I am sure if our dad was alive he would very much like his children to bear his surname -

 - Joseph Hill-Reagan? -

 - Sounds good -

 - Kaylie Joy Sullivan-Reagan? -

 - So, sister, we have everything arranged -

 - Of course brother - 

- Joe, I have a request for you, you can get me a visit with Derek Hayes - 

- Who is Derek Hayes? -

 - My son's father - 

Joe looked at me as if my other head had grown 

- Joe, why are you looking at me like that -

 - Nothing, I'm just shocked that you hooked up with a criminal -

 - I didn't know who he was behind him, he wasn't arrested, and a few weeks later I found out that I was pregnant with Connor - 

- Why do you want to meet him - 

- I want to tell him to leave me alone -

 - What did he do, Kaylie? - 

- Since my attack by his fellow prisoner he gives me no peace, he calls at the same time every day -

 - I will talk to him - 

- No Joe, I need to talk to him myself -

 - I'll be with you -

 - Joe, you don't have to ... -

 - You are my sister, I will be with you, I agreed to let Joe go to jail with me so that I could talk to my child's father.

Senior granddaughter of the Commissioner - Blue BloodsWhere stories live. Discover now