Chapter 1 - The Party

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" Come on Aria let's go to the party"  said cyristal.

Cyristal was always happy. She got invited to lots of party's because people found her very energetic and that she made the place very energetic. However Aria was completely different she loved reading. Crystal loved drawing what she wrote.

They were best of friends!

"Mmmmm......ok just for tonight. ONLY TONIGHT" Said Aria as she put down her book.

As they were about to get ready Aria heard a scream. She ran over to crystal.  " Whats the matter crystal!!!????" Aria asked looking around the room. " I have no clothes to where" crystal said in an angry but squeaky vocie. What is her problem sometimes I wish I could shoot me or her Aria thought.  " Here have our emergency pair of clothes" Aria said walking away very angry.

They arrived at the party in a limo. They were very rich. Aria was a famous writer and drawer and animator.  Crystal was a model and a famous actor and she was a party planner. As they walked in very one had no smile non of them looked happy. Crystal said a few words and after that everyone had the time of there lives.

Aria snuck in a book before she left. She went in the bathroom sat down and started reading her book. She got half way until crystal knocked and shouted " ARIA COME OUT AND HAVE SOME FFFUUUNNN ". Aria thought ah I better take a break.  They danced and talked for ages. They were having the best time of there lives!

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