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I saw this from a doujin that I saw. Credit goes to the artist(I don't know their name thought)

*~*My POV*~*

" Hey Shikamaru " Temari said opening the door. He was laying down with his back turned to her. He didn't respond. " Are you listening? " She asked. Again, no response. She clenched her teeth. " HEY!! DON'T IGNORE ME!! " She shouted. He groaned. " I'm not " He turned his head to face her. " What is it? Geez " He rolled his eyes. " Ha? What's with your tone? " She asked. " Right back at you. " He said. " I called you several times did I not? " She asked. " I was thinking. And your talking about my tone when you speak like that? " He scoffed.

" Why are you so irritated? Don't you know that people have fe— " He cuts her off. " IT'S BECAUSE YOU STARTED YAPPING!! " He suddenly shouted. She was slightly taken aback. He never yells at her like that. She clenched her teeth. " I don't know if your pissed off cause work or whatever... " She started. " But you'd better stop taking it out on me!! " She yelled before storming out and slamming the door behind her.

~A little later~

Shikadai perks into his unusually quiet house, staring at his parents. Temari was washing the dishes in the kitchen, and Shikamaru was sitting in the yard smoking. A lot. Geez... It's obvious when he smokes the much they're arguing... He thought. He stopped after walking into the door. I wonder if they started when I left for training. Ah...! This makes me feel so uncomfortable... He thought. He saw his father ash his final cigarette before standing up. " I'm taking a bath " He announced.

" ...Yeah... " Temari answered simply. Will they make up soon? I guess I'll just hang out in my room for the time being... He thought.

~A little later~

" I'm done reading now " He said. " Shikadai! Hurry and take a bath now! " Temari called from the other room. " Yes! " He called back. " I wonder if I should borrow a book from dad.... maybe one that'll make me cry.... " He thought out loud.

~With Shikamaru~

He stared out the window of his office, blowing smoke. Then there was a knock on his door. He looked over there. " Hey pops. Can I come in? " He asked. " Yeah sure. But the smell of smoke is really strong " He said. " It's fine " Shikadai shrugged before opening the door. " It really does smell " He said. " I told ya " Shikamaru shrugged. " Pops, I already finished the book you leant me the other day. Can I borrow another? One that'll make me cry " He said with a smile. " But I just leant you that one. You already finished? " He said a bit shocked.

" Yeah. I've been in my room this whole time, so I was just reading to pass time " He explains. Shikamaru let out a small sigh. He looks at the pile of book behind him, handing him the one of the top. " This one is 'My feminist ideal' it'll make you cry for sure " He said. " But I'm sure you'll be done in no time " He smiled. " Thanks I'll go take a bath now " Shikadai smiles back, taking the book. Shikamaru sighs when he left the room. " Ashamed or uncool... I don't know which one I am right now... " He said.

Even the kid can tell... He thought. " Ah! If I don't do something about this then— no! I'm not gonna be the one to apologize this time " He cut himself off. Who would deal with her and that troublesome attitude? I'm always the one who apologizes! Has she ever said sorry to me? Even once?! He thought.

I don't know if your pissed because of work or whatever! But you'd better stop taking it out on me!!

He remembers her words. " I'm definitely not gonna day sorry this time " He thought out loud.

~With Temari~

" Shikadai, I'm sorry. " She sighed, petting her sleeping sons head. " Your mom is so stubborn and she up made you feel uncomfortable " She sighed. Even though I was the one who started it, I couldn't help but get mad... Shikamaru was so scary, and I was shocked because he usually doesn't shout like that... She admits to herself. " I want to say sorry but... " Her voice was slightly shaking. I don't have the courage... he usually gives in and I make him apologize to me... She thought.

" Shikadai, your father spoils me too much " She laughed a little. " What should I do? If I had that brain of your, I could come up with a whole bunch of ways too apologize... " She said.

~The next morning~

Shikamaru looks at his lunch. " Mackerel with saba... " He said. " The bento is already prepared? She's usually in a rush in the mornings... and yet... " He said. And she's just locked herself in the room right now? Just how much does she hate seeing my face? He thought.

~At work~

" Shikamaru!! " Naruto called. He turned around. " You have packed lunch today right? Let's eat together " He said, now very cheerful that he has a break from all that paperwork. When Shikamaru opened his bento, he was a little surprised. " What happened? " Naruto asked. " There's... kelp in my food today.. " He said. " That's great. It's your favorite right? " Naruto asked. " Yeah... " He shrugged. " Oh. I see " Naruto nodded. " What? " He asked. " You has a fight with your wife right? " He asked.

" S-so? So what?! " He asked. " I guess our houses aren't so different then. So I get where your coming from " Naruto chuckled. " You have your favorite bento, and your not smiling at all " He said. Shikamaru hummed in response. " That's how Hinata is too. Whenever we get into a fight, the next day she'll pack my favorites in my lunch. It's like she's saying sorry " He said. " You have fights with her? " Shikamaru asked. " That's not the point! " He said.

" Anyways, try apologizing when you get home. When women cook your favorite, it means they don't have the courage to say sorry " He explains. " Never thought I'd be getting advice about women from you " Shikamaru chuckles. " Give me some credit! I am the Hokage after all. " He said. I won't tell him that Hinata told me that... He thought. " Thanks anyways " He added.

~At home~

Shikadai yawns while walking inside. Temari was sitting and folding clothes. " I'm back " He said. " Welcome home. " Temari said. " I'm tired, so I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up later " He said. " Make sure you change first " Temari laughed. A few hours later Shikamaru walks inside. " I'm home " He said. She nodded. " Where's Shikadai? " He asked, looking around. " Sleeping " She said. " I see " He said. He sits down in front of her. " Hey, Temari " He said, placing down a bag in front of her.

" I was really rude yesterday. I'm sorry " He said. She looked at the bag, it was sweet dumplings. " Pfft " She laughed. He was a little surprised. " I'm sorry too. For all the stuff I said... I was wrong " She said. " And I didn't have the courage to apologize at all " She sighed. " It's fine. I'll help you out " He chuckled. " You should help me out with dinner too " She winked.

~The next day~

Shikadai sits up from bed. " I'm up... Is it time to eat yet? " He asked. He fixed his ponytail before walking downstairs, hearing his parents talking. " What? An old lady like you couldn't possibly out run me " Shikamaru said. " Who're you calling an old lady? I'm still young and beautiful. " She said. " Hmm? Is that so? " He asked. " I would say I'm drop dead gorgeous " She said. " I'm up " Shikadai said. " Oh, good morning I was just about to wake you up. Quick question, isn't your mother still young and beautiful? " She asked.

" You don't have to lie for her sake. Tell the truth and don't worry I'll hold her back " Shikamaru said. " Yeah right. Your just mad that I'm young and beautiful and your an old man who girls won't look at anymore " She rolled her eyes. " I'll help set up the table " Shikadai said, grabbing the plates and carrying them to the table. I knew it! It suits mom and dad better when they're all lovey-dovey He thought with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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