Syl comes to Weston for the first time

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Today I was so excited, because my friend had never seen my new house before!

It was going to be a perfect day.

Indoor pool, check
fire pit, check
A woods in the backyard, check
A trail to go role play on, check
Dog goes to keep us company, check
Proper swimming attire, probably?

Wile my friend was on there way I was jamming out to some music, pretending I was the avatar.

When they arrived, it was the happiest moment ever!

Are dogs bombarded them and lots of love with shared all around!

I gave my friend syl a small tour. First I showed them the kitchen. which they absolutely loved! it was so huge and they really like the cabinets and covered.
I feel good inside when my friend is happy. Proud that I can make a friend impressed.
Mom clean the house though. Hats off to my best friend, my mom. She's the one that made all of this possible, and I'm forever grateful to have an awesome mom like her ❤

I showed them the living room. they really liked our TV. So many shows we could watch!
They have a small cozy little TV, perfect for two people to chill and watch Arnold kill aliens or watch a weird anime for the s**** and giggles.

Our TV is fairly large, since we have a large family that likes are Friday family night.
Hats off to my brother. The TV is his. he allows us to use the TV. Thank you to my best pal eric, For your generosity.✨

Then I showed them the spear I made for some reason. I really like seeing them happy. If showing them weird things is to do that then RELEASE THE DOPAMINE!

I showed them my room next. My room is kind of like an art studio, but if I lived there.
messy, but in an organized manner the bed is probably the cleanest thing, other than the floor spacewise. it's not cluttered is what I mean.  (haven't been doing my disinfecting even though I probably should be)
mom and I, painted the room together. My mom really likes painting. My mom is a nurse and a really good nurse. My future stepdad is a doctor and is the best doctor in the world! sometimes wonder how differently things would have been if she was an artist.

At the time (which would be as I'm writing) I was sketching on an overly large canvas on a tiny easel (in comparison at least)

I was drawing a bunch of clan members on it. They really liked my room and make crazy thing for drawing on things,

like my walls,

Random objects, and of course,


I offered them the idea, "we should draw together" since they are an amazing artist. Better than me? yes! I Love there style.

They agreed, yes! it would definitely be fun.

Then they reminded me I forgot to show them the indoor pool. so I gave them a tour of the indoor pool.

I told them the pool's highest temperature can be 104°. the pool was set at a nice comfortable temperature of 30 c, around 80° f.

They had a sudden realization that we could heat up our pool and they loved it.
I told them about a funny story on how somebody left it on 104 overnight, and it was a hundred the next day.
Because of the people who work at electricity management, we can have heating and cooling, and lights!
hats off to you, thank you for giving us a bunch of dopamine. we are forever thankful for your work.

I asked if there hungry, and I offered them some s'mores. they happily agreed so we made a little fire outside with the help of Larry our doctor.
He's a really good person ❤

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