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Hello everyone who so chooses to read this fanfiction. Before I allow you to get onto reading, I wanted to clear a few things up. So here is a little list of things I want you to be aware of before you read, so please don't comment or message me complaining about something I have clearing explain here in this introduction. 

1) I do not own any of the BTS members or any other idols I have used in this book. There will be a lot of them. They are all their own people, and the people I portray them as in this book are not at all a reflection of who they are in real life. They are their own individuals with their own lives, and they are all huge inspirations to me, and I would never want anyone to think that this is how I view any of them. 

2)This is an au, meaning they are all younger than they are in real life and are placed in a high school scene. In saying this, I won't often specify what subject they are in as I am too lazy to keep tabs on the classes that I said they take and stuff like that and to be honest, that isn't really important to me. However, if I feel that class subject is important to the storyline, I will mention it, so if I do, keep that in mind as a possible hint for where I am going with the story.

3) Following on from point two, their real ages? Forget about them. I have literally stuffed all the ages up, and won't be keeping to their real age orders partly because that a lot of work for me to figure out who would be what year if I wanted them all in high school together, and also because I am using so many random idols that it would be way too difficult to figure out how I can place them age-wise. For example, I really want to use some Treasure members, but there is a huge age gap between them, and the BTS members, so putting them in their actual age order, would mean that the Treasure members would be back in primary school (elementary school) while BTS is in high school, and that would be weird for the story. So in short, ignore their ages and just go along with the ones I pretend they are. 

4) This point is important to me. I decided to create this book around a situation that happened in my life. Obviously, this will be an exaggeration, and my situation obviously did not involve any of the members from the various groups I use in this story, but it was real and scary, and this is an amazing way for me to process everything, and calm my own anxieties and paranoia. I want you to know that if you are going through a situation where someone is making you feel trapped or scared, whether its a romantic relationship or a friendship, don't be afraid to tell someone. A close reliable friend, a parent, grandparent, teacher, boss at work, psychologist, sibling, anyone who you feel comfortable telling, heck even message me if you feel like you really need it. I may feel like you are alone, but I promise you, someone is always there to help, you just need to ask.

5) Final note, please do not copy write my book. I really don't want it to be stolen as I am putting my own time and effort into this book, and it would really suck if I wasted it all for someone to copy it. Also if you find a book that is extremely similar to mine, I hope that doesn't happen, but if it does, I did not copy. This book comes from my own mind and my own situation.  

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, I feel it is important stuff you should know before the book starts. I hope you enjoy reading it!

~ yours sincerely,

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