4. Our House

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Yoshi and Giselle were all smiles and laughs as they made their way home, not forgetting to stop by their favorite doughnut shop, purchasing a jam-filled and original glazed for Yoshi, after he demanded a second one for having to wait and watch while Giselle and Yoongi talked after school had ended, and a Bostom cream for Giselle. All paid for by Giselle of course, Yoshi may have been her best friend, but he would never pass up the opportunity for free food. 

"Ok, but like why did we ever do that," Yoshi started as he tried not to laugh too hard at the priceless memories they were talking about, "I mean I can't believe Taeyong and Yuta ever let us do that!" both Yoshi and Giselle couldn't hold back their laughter at this point.

"That's because Taeyong is literally the most relaxed brother ever!" Giselle spat out, trying to breathe after the excessive amount of energy she and Yoshi just expended from laughing. This was a common occurrence for the two.

"He really is, I remember going home after and Yuta starting yelling at me in Japanese and I swear I almost forgot that it's my first language and I should be able to understand it, but the man was speaking way too quickly!" Yoshi joked, knowing that the two older brothers were very different, but both would do anything for their younger siblings. This was one of the many reasons the two older brothers became close when Yoshi and Yuta's family moved from Japan before Yoshi was born. The two became close friends after discussing the exciting news that they would be receiving younger siblings, and they vowed to protect them both together. This, however, sometimes caused both brothers to seem a bit, overprotective. 

"Also just a side note, isn't it a little random that your parents never gave Taeyong an English name and went with a Korean one instead, but gave both you and Ari English names?" Yoshi queried, even though Giselle had explained this countless times to many people, including Yoshi.

"Taeyong does have an English name its TY, but only really the family calls him that because of his job, everyone knows him as Taeyong. Also, I have a Korean name, Sun-Yeong, so does Aurora, Mi-Young. I just go by my English name because all of my mum's family calls me Giselle, and I know that it is a really special name to her because it reminds her of when she was a ballerina." Giselle explained, disregarding Yoshi's zoned out face.

"That was a long-win explanation of a simple answer," Yoshi lazily replied before querying, "wait but I thought Aurora hated her name? Why would she go by her English name when she has a perfectly beautiful Korean name?"

"Supposedly she thinks that she has to live up to this standard of being 'the most beautiful girl' and it's 'too hard to achieve even though everyone says I am beautiful I don't feel it'." Giselle dramatically started, raising her voice to a higher pitch to mimic her sister's voice in an unflattering manner, "it's only because Aurora in the ballet is known for being breathtakingly beautiful and Mi-Young means ever-lasting beauty. If you ask me I think she should grow up and accept that mum gave us the names because she wanted us to be a part of something she loved."

Yoshi couldn't help but chuckle at Giselle's little tangent. Giselle and Aurora didn't have a perfect sibling relationship. In fact, it was probably worse than many sibling relationships out there. Giselle's relationship with Taeyong however, was anything but toxic or bad. The two were extremely close, and Taeyong would help Giselle with anything she needed. This did mean he was extremely overprotective of her, but he did trust a few of her friends to not hurt her, those being Yoshi, of course, Yoongi, Hyunsuk, Jungkook, and Haechan. But he had to trust Jungkook and Haechan, they were their cousins. Taeyong never trusted Namjoon, and this made Giselle nervous to tell Taeyong what happened. Not only for fair that Namjoon would be on the brink of death within minutes of Taeyong finding out, but also because Aurora and Taeyong never had a good sibling relationship. They would constantly bicker, and Aurora would never listen to him or take his advice; she would bend the rules when Taeyong was left in charge due to their parents being away on business trips, which was often; and she would try to flirt will all of Taeyong's friends who were well out of her age range, as they were all either just about to finish college, or working full-time jobs. 

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