Chapter 2 (Strange Encounter)

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"P..p.. please c..c..can you" He heard a soft voice say.

He looked down at the person where the words came from, he quickly noticed that it was a girl a little smaller than he was, she was breathing heavily which indicated that she might had been running, not to mention how hard the impact was when she collided into him, her shoes were extremely muddy, her dress was ripped to make it short, she was also wearing a black hooded medieval which was no protection from the heavy rain because she was soaking wet. He also noticed that she was holding something to her chest underneath the cloak she wore, it seemed as if she was protecting or concealing something. He had a hard time getting a proper look at her face though due to said hood, it hid most of her face in addition to her hair which covered the left side of her face and based on the way she carried herself it was apparent that she was trying to conceal her face as well.

"What? Why do you need help?" He asked brushing himself off still annoyed but not so much as before.

"They're chasing me." she said frantically. Ciel looked around in confusion, the streets were basically empty.

"Who is?" Ciel asked with an eyebrow raised, his butler stood silently beside him observing the petite girl.

"Some men, he order them to ge-..." "I think she turned this corner!" Her words were cut off by the sound of men shouting over the sound of the rain, she froze in fear. Ciel took notice of this and swiftly grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her into his carriage with Sebastian closing the carriage door as he climbed to the front, as soon as the carriage is about to move he heard a man shout in his direction.

"Hey you!" Said one of the men, Sebastian looked over his shoulder at the man.

"Hey, have you seen a young girl around here?" The man questioned.

"My deepest apologies sir, but I haven't" Sebastian replied as he flicked the rope to make the horses move.

Inside the carriage Ciel was seated on the other side of the carriage observing the girl, he was a bit confused at his own actions. Why did he help this strange girl? That wasn't like him at all, he continued looking at her, the dress she was wearing looked quite elegant but was ruined because it was ripped, soaked and muddy.

'Achoo!' he heard a small sneeze come from the girl across him, he just now realized that she was shivering, he quickly pulled off the over coat he was wearing and threw it over her shoulders, she looked surprised at his actions as if she'd never experienced kindness before.

"Th..thank you, an..and you f..f.. for e..e..earlier too" she stuttered then paused for a few seconds looking off to the side fidgeting a little.

"I..I'm sorry for bothering." She continued in a softer voice as she held onto the coat he gave her. He remained quiet for a few minutes, but what for her felt like hours.

"It's no problem at all." he finally says.

She suddenly shot up from her seat in a panic and bowed low.

"I..I'm sorry, I..I forgot to tell you my name!" She unintentionally yelled, after realizing how loud she spoke she quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"I..I'm sorry..." she muttered slow sitting back down.

'She apologizes quite a deal' he thought to himself.

He then gave a warm smile, "that's quite fine" he said brushing off her actions just now..

"Well?" He continued.

"Well....?" She trailed off not knowing what he meant before realizing that he meant her name,

She bowed again "Ah! I..I'm sorry my name is L..Lucy... Lucy Collins"

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