Chapter 6 (Everything Stays)

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Lucy's eyes fluttered open as she sat up rubbing them, she still felt sleepy, something woke her up but she wasn't quite sure what it was. She noticed that she wasn't in the same room she fell asleep in, it was one of the guest rooms in the manor and it looked more glamorous than the one she had slept in when she just got there. The room was decorated with dolls and stuffed animals, it looked like a room for a little girl a girl much younger than her. She couldn't understand though why she was moved to this room and who moved her in her sleep no less.

She got out of bed and immediately realized that she was smaller, 'did I shrink' she thought, even tho that would be impossible, she shook her head thinking that she must still be half asleep, she walked over to the mirror in the room and notice immediately that she definitely did not look like herself, she looked exactly like the small girl in the picture she saw in the master's bedroom, curly long red locks and big blue eyes, she was now certain that she was in a lucid dream it was quite odd, why was she in the form of this girl? She didn't question it too much though, she got a little excited, she'd never been in a lucid dream before, she quickly ran out of the room and into the halls, it looked exactly the same as the one in real life, she strode down the halls planning to explore when she suddenly heard talking coming from a room down the hall, she slowly approached the door and it sounded like two kids shouting at each other, 'an argument?' She thought as she peered through the door that was slightly cracked open. There she saw two small boys that looked exactly alike shouting at each. Twins. They looked like a smaller version of the young master. "This must be the young Lord and his brother." She muttered to herself as she started to tune into their conversation, she honestly couldn't tell them apart though.

"Why!?" One of the twins shouted, while the other twin was looking down shamefully with no response to the question asked.

"You don't understand." The other twin finally muttered out barely audible.

"What don't I understand?! You're just selfish, you already have Lizzy you have no right!" The other twin shouted again. Lucy was confused, she wondered why they were fighting, she didn't say anything though, she just kept listening.

"She didn't hear me Ciel." The twin with the sad expression stated. The other twin that was now identified as Ciel looked even more upset.

"Do you really think whether she heard or not matters!?" Ciel shouted. "She's MY fiancée, you have no right." He continued in lower tone this time looking less angry and more sad.

"I...l love her, I want to be with her too, it's not fair." The other twin said as he began crying.

"You get to have everything... that's.. that's why I'm going to leave when I grow up." Ciel gasp and so did Lucy, she was a bit too loud and it drew the twins attention, they both looked at the door where Lucy was peeking from.

"(Y/n)?" Ciel called out questioningly as he started to towards the door, Lucy began to panic, even though she knew this was a dream it felt very real, she was going to run but decided against it, Ciel pulled the door open wider revealing the girl on the other side, she was ready to explain but before she could she was pulled into a hug, this shocked her completely, after ease dropping on their conversation she was sure that they were arguing over (Y/n) Ciel's fiancée, it was clear that both of them loved her, but who did she really love? But none of that mattered anymore, after all, both her and the his younger brother were no more. As Ciel held Lucy in a tight hug she peered over his shoulder to see the younger brother staring at her as if he wanted to say something but looked troubled, his expression broke her heart, again all of this just felt too real, she wanted to wake up immediately, but she didn't know how to wake herself up.

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