See you never

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'Riley' Ethan yelled down the hallway 'what' I yelled back slightly annoyed at the fact I was being disturbed from my book 'you have work in ten and me and jay are leaving in five' after hearing that echo throw the hallway I fell off of the ledge of the bay window in my room sending a loud thud throw out the flat as I quickly get out of my PJs and into some jeans and a sensible white t-shirt with a black jacket over the top I hear snickering from the two boys downstairs 'I am glad I have such caring friends that just laugh when they hear me falling off things instead of seeing if I'm ok' I say sarcastically as I'm running down the stairs ' oh please if you were dead the flat would be ten times quieter' Jayson smirked at me I gasp pretending to be hurt 'so rude' I exclaim while getting in Ethan’s car both Ethan and Jayson laugh at my silliness while getting in the car as well

'see ya' I wave to the car as I drives off I turn to the large building in front of me it wasn’t massive but still it was bigger compared to the ones in my hometown while smiling at the memory of my hometown I walk throw the glass doors and up the elevator to my office to my surprised nothing happened and I was very grateful for it I was packing some of my papers and adjusting my filing cabinet when I felt  a hand smack my bum I spun around but I knew mid spin who it was 'hey sweet cheeks' his breath reeked of alcohol  I tried to act as if nothing had happened 'Mr. Allergen sorry but I'm in a bit of a hurry and have to go' I tried to not let my fear show in my voice I tried to go past him, but he stood in front of the doorway blocking my only exit 'excuse me?' I say in a attempt to get out of the room he smirked and shook his head slowly while walking towards me 'now now you should know better than that' in the time it took him the say that he had cornered he slowly brought his hand up to my left cheek I whimpered slightly knowing what was to come as I expected I was meet with a slap across my face I kept a straight face this annoyed him so he kneed me in the stomach I clutched my stomach in pain even though I was looking and the floor in my bent over sate still holding my stomach I could tell he was smirking I felt another smack on my bum I stood up straight and turn around so I was facing him 'no no I like it better when your bent over' he said while trying to force me to the ground I managed to get out of his grasp

 I run to my office door but my wrist is caught by his hand 'listen here you slut if you walk out that door I will fire you and say that you tried stab me and before you make up your mind think about this who are people really going to believe some broke chick or me a good honest man who help at soups kitchens and donates over three hundred to charity every year' I stop tugging 'good girl now come here' I turn to face his with a sad look 'and what if I quit?' I say with quite a lot of sass in my voice he seemed shocked by my question 'well then my dear I would have to hunt you down' he smiled at me as if he had compliment 'what if I had proof of what you have done to me' he seemed shocked but stayed calm 'and how you have' that he smirked I gestured to the security camera in the corner of the roof he laughed but stopped when my smirk didn’t disappear 'I didn’t mean the obvious one' I tried to keep a straight face but felt a smirk play on my lips as he looked around the room worried 'I’ll tell you what I let you quit if you give me you're so called proof and I promise not to come after you ok?' he said 'how do I know you won’t came after me?' I ask trying safe in this dodgy deal 'oh please do you really think you’re the only girl I have the only reason I came back is because I like the fight you put up' he says plainly 'so do we have a deal?' I sigh 'fine' he releases my wrist I walk towards my filing cabinet and get the pen that was lying there 'here' I say giving him the pen 'that has all of the five months in it' I say while walking over to my desk and getting my laptop and a pencil case from my desk along with a calendar and a framed pitcher of me and the guys Ethan and Jayson had their hands over each other’s shoulders and me sitting on each of their shoulders 'hurry up and get the fuck out of my building I quickly shoved the photo in my bag along with my laptop and pencil case I was about to walk out into the elevator when 'WIAT give me your USB' he ordered I stopped and looked at him I faked looking panicked 'why do you need my USB?' I asked looking slightly alarmed 'oh please I'm not stupid like you now give it here' bit my lip making sure he saw my concern he smirked I hand him my USB with a defeated look in my face I keep on heading towards the elevator when I stop again I turn to him 'you there is something I have all always wanted to do' I say as sexily as I can I picks up on it 'and what would that be' he asks in a deep voice I walk towards his swaying my hips as I walk I go right up to him so our faces are only inches away he starts to lean in with his eye closed and his lips puckered as he edges closer I hear the ding of the elevator in the background I quickly knee him in the balls and run into the elevator just in time for doors to close behind me I walk all the way home with a smirk well in till I realized I would have tell the guys why I quit high-paying job

Hello sorry this is so long hopefully the chapters will be shorter in the future also please leave feedback as I am hopeless with grammar and punctuation thanks

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