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Watanabe Haruto's POV

School the next week was plain hell for Jeongwoo.That snake of a boyfriend tried everything to make him suffer.He tore up his homework,got him in trouble with any teacher.I found Jeongwoo on Thursday morning crying in his bedroom.I felt sorry for him and grabbed the notepad.

Jeongwoo please go to school.Ill go with you.And you can sit with me today and my friends.

I knocked on the glass and his sad eyes were so red and puffy.He read the note and nodded.He wore the outfit and walked out of the door.I grabbed my bag and took the car keys.Dad was coming back today together with Marinah from Japan and we were all excited.Jeongwoo was talking to another male at his doorstep and they shared a hug.The guy pointed to me with a smile.He walked towards me while dragging him by the hand.

"Hello I'm Hyunsuk.His brother's boyfriend.You must be Rut-Haruto."He recieved a poke on his side from Jeongwoo."Yes I Am.We should get going to school." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car."Bye Hyung have a good Day." He waved to Hyunsuk who was trying not to die from laughing.

In the car we were 5 minutes away from school when,"You'll have to sit with me during lunch and I have to walk you to class.He doesn't mess with me so you'll be fine." He nodded as he looked at me curiously."Why?" I looked at him and smiled."So no one can bother you as long as you're by my side." He looked out the window and fiddled with his fingers as we stopped at the parking lot.

I got out and he got out after hesitating.People were already whispering while we walked down the hall.My arm was around his shoulders as he tried his best to avoid all the attention he was receiving."Where's your locker?" He pointed to the one at the down the whole wall of lockers,right beside the cafeteria.

"We have Chemistry right now.Followed by math test then lunch." I told him as he groaned."But I hate Math class.Im bad at it." He whined cutely."I'll help you practice tomorrow since tonight we're having family dinner together." He nodded and hugged my arm as we walked to class."Thank You Ruto." I smiled and saw the teacher wasn't in class yet.

"So whatever you do,no leaving my side for whatever reason.Got it?" I explained it to him again and he nodded cutely.He opened his notebook but soon closed it."What's wrong?" I asked and he said nothing was wrong.He flipped through the pages as fast as he can avoiding pages that were filled with drawings. "Good morning Watanabe.Who is this?" Junkyu came over and placed his hands on my desk."H-hi I'm Jeongwoo." He stuttered as he avoided eye contact with him."Hello I'm Junkyu.I am his cousin in law." I shook my head in disappointment."I'm surprised my cousin fell in love with you." I had a gasp from beside me."Mashiho is your cousin?He's such a cute personality while you're....You?" he tried to give to me gently but failed and laughed with Junkyu."I'm just a closed of person and I'm only nice to you."I told him as I put my face closer to his.

"O-oh look at that.The T-teacher is here." He moved my face to make it look infront and I laughed at his reaction."Today you all have to memorize the periodic thingy-table." The teacher said as she sipped her coffee.

Groans were heard but no one could complain since this was the easiest class in our curriculum this time.She scrolled through her phone as everyone was busy talking with their friends.I turned to him only to find him staring back at me."What do you want to do?" I asked and he averted his eyes to the textbook."I could start teaching you early and I could get my payment." "P-payment?" He asked as he tilted his head looking at me."Yes. Payment if you pass,I get free kisses hourly for a week." He blushed and agreed.

"If you fail,you have to give me kisses." He said smiling at me.I pretended to think and agreed.


"We have to wait till it's time to go home for the results," I told him as he led the way to the cafeteria."You know you don't have to stay by my side," he told me as he put his books in the locker."I don't have to but I want to."

He smiled and held my hand walking to the cafeteria.I told him to stay by my side as everyone was looking at us.He grabbed a plate of fries and pulled me to my usual table."Hi cuz- oh Hi Woo. I'm glad you could join us." Mashiho said smiling cutely at us.

"Hi hung.Haruto made me sit with him."He said eating his fries."I told you that I only want to protect you from him.Plus how can we accomplish our deal if your in the other side of the room." He slapped my arm and looked away."What deal?"Asahi asked as he approached the table."if Jeongwoo passes his exams I get kisses for a week and if I fail I have to kiss him."

Ooh's filled the table as I finished."You do know that he's a genius at Math,right?"Jeongwoo choked and stared at me."Please tell me I'll pass.." "Maybe you won't maybe you will." I kissed his cheek and pink soon rushed to his ears."So about dinner tonight-" "YOU'RE GOING ON-" "Family dinner.Aunt told our moms about it last night."Asahi said still looking at his phone."So who's unfortunate soul are you tormenting now?" Mashiho asked trying to anger our cousin who was immersed in his phone."Its Yoon Jaehyuk." Jeongwoo's mouth fell open."You're dating my best friend," he asked staring wide eyed at him."Ohh THAT Jaehyuk.I thought he gave up trying to court you." Junkyu said."Of Course NOT.I have to stay up late just listening to him whining about 'Hes just so cute.I want to put him in my pocket and hug him forevermore but I can't cause he's always with that gigantic piece of teriyaki next to him.' AND I probably shouldn't have said that."He turned round and was met with a smiling Jaehyuk."You shouldn't have.Hello Teriyaki Watanabe.Mashiho and Junkyu hyung." He skipped and hugged Asahi at his waist as he kissed his cheek."He SMILES." Mashiho exclaimed choking on his food.

Asahi had a small smile plastered in his."Yes but only for me.BTW class 23N's lessons were cancelled so you get to go home early." He celebrated as he put his hands up."Yay!Now I have nothing to do.Hoon hyung went on a date,dad's at work and mom's busy cooking and grocery shopping." "You still have me." I told him pouting."*sigh* I still have you.And the chips still in your hair."He picked in my hair and pulled out a chip."I thought I washed it all off."I ruffled my hair and tiny chips fell on the table."You have more chips than a Lays packet in your hair."Jaehyuk told me as the table started laughing."Be thankful it isnt that grape soda." He laughed at me and I smacked his head."Oh I passed your class on the way.Since when are you able to get an A- in MATHS!?"

Our jaws dropped and he soon started staring at me."A deal is a deal."He kissed me square on the lips and I froze."On the cheek." He blushed."You didn't say where." He said defensively. The whole table was silent at our exchange. "Hope you'll enjoy your dinner together and say hi to Aunt Rinah for us." Mashiho said running to the exit followed by a confused Junkyu."So when did you start dating Asahi?" He asked Jaehyuk."Would you look at the time enjoy walking home."He ran dragging Asahi with him."Since they are gone now,How about another payment?"

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