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A|N: i don't know how the euros work in the uk so i'm going to be using the $'s instead. :)

*Bell's POV*

"Hi, found everything you were looking for today?" I greet the customer without even looking up. My focus on organizing the money. I work at Abercrombie & Fitch. I model their clothes most of the time and sometimes when i want to make a little extra, i work a part time job as a cashier.

"Yes love." He answers. I look up quickly, take the clothes and scan them.

"Well then, that will be 90$" I smile. He wears dark shades, a blue shirt with dark jeans, and a grey beanie.

He hands me his credit card and places a small piece of paper on the table. I pretend I don't see it and swipe the card.

"Sign here please."

He takes the pen and quickly signs it and looks up. The reciept prints out and I hand it to him. "Thank you for shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch, come again!" I give him a soft smile.

"Oh, I will." He takes off his shades and winks then quickly puts them back on. I look down and take notice of the small piece of paper on the table. Picking it up, I open is and inside was a number and a small note: Call me x

I smile to myself and save the paper.

"Hey girl!" Marlene jumps behind me.

I turn around. "Hey!"

"Any hot guys here today?"

"Yeah, he--"

"OMG Who!" Her eyes widen. "Bella!"

"Let me finish!"

"Sorry.." She says.

"Well he was wearing a beanie and shades, he was kinda ... nah he was really fit actually!"

"Really? What else?" A grin draws on her face.

"He reminded me of that guy in the boyband you obssess over."



"But anyway, which one? There's five of them. DUH!" She rolls her eyes as if I'm supposed to know this.

"The curly one."


"Yeah I guess, haha."

"Damn, I wish I saw him!" She pouts. Her face suddenly lights up. "By the way...." She trails off.


"I won 1D tickets and I'm taking you with me!" She jumps in excitement.



"Oh yeah! Why are you taking me? I'm not even a fan."

"Because I have no one else, and you're my best friend! PLEASEE!" She drops on her knees.

I laugh at her. "Hahaha, finee!"

"YAYAYAYA!" She gets up. "We're going to have so much fun!"

"If you say so!"

"I do say so!"

*Harry's POV*

All I can think about after leaving the store is the girl I saw today. Her hazel eyes were mesmerizing.

"Hey babe." She kisses me, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Chelsea I told you not now." I get up and walk away from the couch.

"Don't you dare walk away from me." She says in a stern tone.

"I'm not in the mood to fight Chelsea." I shrug. "Listen I have to go."

"You never have time anymore. I'm tired of it. If you leave now then we're done." She crosses her arms.

"Fine." I walk out. I was tired of it too. As I walk outside I get my iPhone and open the twitter app.

I finally feel free :)

A smile goes on my face as I tweet it. I put my iPhone back into my pocket and walk to my car. I start the car up and drive to the arena where we have to practice for tommorrow nights concert. 

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