Chapter Five - Trust and Treachery

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~ Davina

I smash the glass against the table and throw the shattered stem across the room, watching it spin through the air and hit a guard in the shoulder.

"First she gives away my Elixir and then she denounces me! The King! Arrest her immediately!" He screams like a toddler.

I draw my sword from my scabbard, blocking the attack from two soldiers behind me and throwing me away from me. Jack punches two guards in the groin, aims their bayonets up to the ceiling, shooting through a piece of rope and sending the large chandelier swinging towards the window. He smacks one guard with the butt of the gun in the face, jumps up onto the table, kicks the food in the soldiers' faces. He runs along the table, treading in all of the food, whilst the King is carried away in his chair from the violence. Jack, impressively, cartwheels to the floor using the back of the chair he had strategically adjusted earlier, then throws it through the window, the glass shattering. A guard slides on the serviette Jack had thrown on the floor and idiotically grabs the rope Jack offers him before tumbling through the broken window, sending Jack soaring up towards the ceiling and landing on the wide ledge of the window frame. As the chandelier swings towards him, Jack leaps off the ledge, swings with the chandelier and grabs on to the balcony above me.

Whilst they're all distracted by Jack's escape, I slip through the doors Jack and I were dragged through, back down the long stretch of corridor that lead to the servants' quarters. I have no idea where I'm going, the layout of the castle a complete mystery to me. With the skirts of the dress in one hand, my sword in the other, I pelt down corridors and passageways until somehow, I end up in the open stairwell. I hear voices and the thunder of feet, and quickly slide across the floor, hiding behind the table with two golden chandeliers. Even though my heart pounds against my ribcage, I revel in the feeling of it, my muscles burning and sweat beginning to bead across my forehead, air filling my lungs with every inhale. I see Jack running down the stairs, distracting a guard by knocking off his hat and passing him. Somehow, the guard passes by and doesn't notice Jack hiding next to me. And if the guard's stupidity couldn't get any greater, he leaves his sword and gun on the table for Jack to quietly take as more guards run past.

Honestly, how the King hasn't been attacked or had his safety compromised before now baffles me.

"Alright, love?" Jack greets quietly, offering me a nod and smile.

"When you're out of my sight and I'm back on my ship I will be." I answer bluntly.

"Oh I thought you would have gotten over that by now." He attempts to joke.

"You should know better than anyone how it feels to be betrayed by your own people, Jack. Remember when your entire crew staged a mutiny?" I answer, smiling sweetly.

Jack's smile falls again.

I listen for footsteps, and hear them in the rooms either side. Jack shifts, stands, and makes his way to the stairs.

"Follow me," Jack says.

"You want to go up?"

"It'll work, just trust me."

I scoff, "Never again. But I wish you good luck. I'll be sure to wave at you before you're hung," I say and make my own way out of this gilded hell.

With the halls quiet, not a whisper of a voice bouncing off of the towering walls, I run down the same hallway the guards had just disappeared down. I let my instincts take control, guiding me through the palace until I find myself in a quiet, seemingly unused hall, and in front of a locked door. I gather the skirts of the dress in my hands and kick with all of my strength in futile attempts to open the heavy wooden door. But it's no use. From how it barely moves, I can tell that it must have several bolts on the other side.

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