Chapter Twenty Three

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Brad talked with me on the phone during the next couple of days

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Brad talked with me on the phone during the next couple of days. He said his mom bought him a new cellphone since the one he had was gone and he had spent his savings on me. We didn't spend much of the nights talking with each other though. Brad was continually tired and said that he preferred to sleep early to try to recuperate from his trauma.

"Okay Brad, goodnight," I said to him and he hung up. There was a full moon tonight and it was huge and round in the sky, it seemed magnanimous. I didn't like the full moon though. The full moon meant tragedy and devastation for me now. I really wanted it to be beautiful for me, but I couldn't see it like that anymore and when it came out at night I shut my curtains and tried to avoid it's pale face at all costs. The full moon was a hassle. I despised it. All it did was bring me bad luck.

I went downstairs to see what my mom was doing. She was watching the news. Apparently, that thing we saw had claimed two new victims. The news still claimed that it was a bear, but I had seen that thing and it wasn't a bear. I didn't know what it was.

"How could an animal do something like that?" My mom asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked her behind the dark chocolate sofa.

"You know, it's like enjoying the kill or something," my mom said.

"Enjoying the kill?"

"I don't want you out at night. Something really weird is going on. If this animal continues to kill people, I'm sure that the mayor of the county is going to probably establish a curfew. If I were him, I'd a done it by now," my mom said. At first I thought that she was delusional, but then I thought that she might be right.

"Mom, I don't think it's a bear," I said.

"What do you mean?" she asked me.

"I don't know. I've... seen it before," I said.

"Then, what was it?" she asked me.

"I don't know. I thought... when it attacked Brad I thought it was an ape," I said.

"Natalie, I like your boyfriend and I think he's kind and all, but I don't want you going out with him at night. I don't think it's safe. At least until they catch this thing," my mom said with the remote control on her hand. There was an image of a young woman crying on the news.

I walked to my mom's office. I decided I wanted to see how Pepe Lepiu and the other fish were doing. I turned on the light and saw them swimming around the fish tank. The two blue slender danios were swimming together behind the fake castle that we had for them, the four pink tetra fish were swimming and place and Pepe Lepiu was next to a fake algae.

"Okay guys," I said looking for their fish food. I took out their flakes of algae and tossed a few. The little fish were instantly moving their tails and opening their little mouths. They devoured the flakes.

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