Untitled Part 11

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She called 911 and told them the location

She was so scared, she lifted his shirt and saw that he was shot

She reached into her bag and took out her small first aid kit, she always had it in her backpack since she would mysteriously fall or trip anytime she passes her sister, the box contained the basic instruments like bandages, antiseptic drugs, sutures and other stuff, she took out a tweezer. She wanted to remove the bullet but her hands were shaking

What should she do?

She couldn't wait for the ambulance, he'd be dead by then

She finally started to remove the bullet, it was so disgusting, she wanted to puke

She finally removed it, earning a slight groan from the injured man, ja xian sighed in relief, she wrapped a  bandage around him as she supported his back with the rod of the swing she then notices a slash that was made by a knife, it was bleeding bad

'what happened to him she sighed as she grabbed a needle and surgical thread (suture), she started to do cross-stitch on them

she finally cut the thread after tying it up

She started to comb through his hair  with her hand as she waited for the ambulance


'So warm'


The ambulance finally came, they put him on a stroller and into the vehicle, one of the men looked at her

'Ma'am, are you coming?'

She nodded as she hopped into the vehicle,

An oxygen mask was put on his face


'miss ja xian  what you did was amazing,

If not for you, he would have died, and how you stitched him.............., you did a good job ' the doctor praised her

She just smiled

'it was nothing sir, here the money for his surgery, it's not much bu-'

The doctor shook his

"you don't have to worry, his family is paying, we have contacted them they are on their way"

"ok, doctor gi I have to be on my way also" ja xian stood up from the chair

"wait don't you want the family that sees the person that saved, their beloved person?" she shook her and left the hospital, at that moment a range rover pulled up, 4 bodyguards came out, one went and opened the door for an older woman, her eyes full of worry and she lifted her gown from the floor and rushed towards the hospital

She met dr gu on the walking

"Dr gu, m-my son, he is okay right?"

"Ms si, nothing to worry about, your son is okay" si guan let out a sigh of relief as she heard that

" what about the girl that saved my son, I want to thank her and reward her," she said as she looked around

Dr gu looked at her with a soft smile

" you just missed her, she left some few mins ago"

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