I couldnt think of a title 😜

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Third person P.O.V
The three turtle bro's thought of a plan, but didn't know where he could be. Donnie suddenly remembered that he could track his bro's. "Hold on, I just remembered I have a computer program that tracks all of us" Donnie said as he ran to the lab for his patched up computer and opened a program on there that had a green grid and 3 dots one was blue, another red, and the last one purple. "I coded the computer to connect to the satellite which scans New York to look for our body temperature and it's even color coded!" Donnie said as he swiped all on the screen looking for an orange dot, and there it was. "I found him he is in..." Donnie said as the other 2 looked Leo finished for him "...shredders old lair."
Mikeys P.O.V
I screamed in pain hoping someone would find me here me. Wishing that my bro's were already trying to find me, that I was going to be saved. "ZREEEEEE" the next torture device went, I was covered in blood old and fresh gushing from the deep wounds or dried on like paint. "Will you tell us now, Michelangelo?" Karai sneered as she crossed her arms behind her back. "What made y-you think-k I Chang-ged my mind?" I said smiling weakly, I would die before I gave in and ratted my family out. " That's unfortunate, I thought we wouldn't have to hurt you more.....Bring in the next batch of torture toys!" was all I heard when my throat erupted with screams of even more pain.
Third person P.O.V
The other turtles snuck in through the many windows that littered the ceiling. "Good thing we bashed those robo heads," whispered Raph as the walked around looking for clues when Donnie suddenly said, "Guys stop talking, I think I heard a-a scream." Everyone was silent and he was right they heard a scream that sounded like "That's Mikey! I'm going to get him, stay here just in case some of our enemy's come," Donnie said as he ran down. "Wait, shouldn't we stay toge- and he's gone," Leo tried to call, but was to late. "Hey, it's okay we can just sit here, if we feel anything is wrong we will check it out ok?" Raph said trying to help the blue masked turtle "yeah your right, might as well" Leo said looking at Raph.
Raph's P.O.V
Leo turned to me, his blue eyes looked at me. Wait, his eyes aren't just blue their a deep oceanic blue that would swallow you whole they had a mischievous glint that matched his tricky smile that made you think he was telling a joke whenever he smiled. I looked at him and wanted to just watch him everyday, not worry about anything but him.
Leo's P.O.V
I looked at Raph and saw his jade for eyes shine like the jewel. They were the brightest most enjoyable green, it was a color that would reminded the green grass and the beauty of nature. They would look at you in an intense way and you would be squirming and would do anything he would tell you to do. I remember a time just before we became a couple that Raph confessed how he felt about his eyes. "I hate them, they are so different from yours and Mikeys blue ones and Donnie's plus sensei's reddish brown eyes." Raph groaned as he kicked some asphalt, "I'm just different and ugly anyway." That's when I snapped "Raphael, you take that back right now. You are not ugly, your eyes are beautiful I wish I had eyes like yours. Different doesn't always mean bad, different can show that you are yourself, that you don't need to fit in the lines to be amazing that being outside the box enhances you more than being the same. So Raphael, if you do not take it back right now I will take away your weapons and you won't be allowed to come with us on patrol!" I said not caring about what I was saying as long as I could make him think the opposite I would have accomplished so much right then. Raph had just stood there looking at me and blushing, "y-you really think that" he stuttered "Think? I know!" I said. "Leo, Leo, earth to Leo. LEO!" A voice yelled. "Hmm" I responded as I snapped back to reality and saw the said turtle in front of me one hand on my waist the other holding my wrist and him kissing it sweetly. "I love you sweetheart" Raph had said as he trailed kisses up my arm, neck, to his lips. I blushed and said, "I love you to."
Donnie's P.O.V
I snuck down the stairs that lead to the source of the scream, hoping it was Mikey and hoping it wasn't him that sounded like he was getting killed. "I'm coming Mikey, I won't leave you again." I thought to myself as I saw a light at the end of the hallway. The screams were louder and I could tell it was him. I walked in the room hiding behind boxes and panes. As I surveyed the area I saw him, I saw him and he was....................

Me: I'M SO SORRY!!!! MY PHONE WAS TAKEN AWAY FOR A LONG TIME AND I COULDN'T UPDATE!! Anyway here is an extra long chapter just for my wonderful tootsie rolls. Have a good day/night and goodbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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