Ryhmes with makayla gilinsky/story time

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BTW that picture hahahaha 👆👆👆

Troyes Sivan
Or Christmas ribban
(Ily if u know where that's from😂😂)

Illuminate confirmed (idk)

Okay so I can't figure out any more so I'm just gonna tell a story

So there's this boy at my school lets call him... dildo

So dildo had to get up really early to go to school so he was tired so when he got to the bus stop he fell asleep on a bench that is in front of the bus stop.

So the bus came and dildo was still asleep but no one woke him up. so the bus started to leave and then people were trying to wake him up by calling his name from the bus but by the time he woke up the bus was already driving away.

Idk if the bus driver saw him but he drove away so dildo started running to try to catch the bus but he tripped and fell and his mom had to drive him to school.



This really happend to some boy at my school it was really funny 😂😂😂 so yea like and all that stuff and stay beautiful 💅💅👑👑 bestBYEEEE


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