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An act of kindness

Helps humanity

And guides them to goodness

People make mistakes

Yes, that is true

But the only way to help them fix it,

Is to hold your words to value

People hold grudges, 

Yes that is understandable

But is it the right thing to do?

Will people like someone who is demandable?


Will they use them as a role-model?

Will they start to become commendable?


But is it right?

Giving other people the fright?

If we don't want people to become like this,

What should we do?

I wanna get happiness

I wanna have a feeling of aliveness

But to do that, 

I need to conquer one thing before

And that is called Forgiveness

A/N: Hey everyone, how are y'all doing today? This is a poem based on forgiveness and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing it. Shoutouts go to: 










Thank you all so much for your sweet messages, support and love. It means a lot!! Surprisingly, my book went up from 214 reads all the way to 275, and all of this happened because of you!! I also made a goal to get 50 votes and I passed that by having 56 VOTES, all of you made my day and I can't thank you enough for it! 

Let's try to achieve 60 votes until I update next. I know I haven't been updating that often and that's because I have a ton exams so my next update may be a while from now.

If you liked this poem, please comment, share, follow and turn the dull star bright yellow 🌟

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