Chapter 3 - "do you even remember my name"

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There she was again, trapped in this purgatory of a house, but this time there was no little girl, or strange figure lurking around, all she could here were footsteps. At first Madison was tempted to call out for whoever else was there, but she knew better than that, instead she wondered around the halls of the large rundown home. It was as if each room told a different story, a different meaning, some rooms appeared to be housed by young children, others were home to monsters it had seemed. This all confused Madison,but what would confuse her even more would be the familiar voice calling out for her.

*Jane's pov*

Here i am again, this fucking house, although i'm not afraid anymore, i know what's gonna happen, i know i'm dreaming, none of this is real. As i crept around the downstairs of the house i searched for the little girl, she's usually always in the same place, at the same time, saying the same things, but this time she was no where to be seen. At least that's what i thought until i heard footsteps upstairs, it must be her, i have no idea why tonight was different but i don't really care, she can't hurt me, she wouldn't after all. I called out for her but her no response. That was until i saw Madison walk to the stairs.
  *end of jane's pov*

"Why are you-"
"I don't know," Madison responded. The two of them just stood there in shock until they heard the cry's of the little girl from the kitchen. There she was same place as always. Jane and Madison went to go help the girl, which then triggered her to say the line she repeats every night

"t-turn a-a-around" and to which they did, but instead of seeing the horrific figure that's been haunting them these past nights, they saw a beaten, shriveled old man. He became furious at the sight of the pair
"i knew you'd come back," he yelled, "you never age do you," "do you even remember my name" that phrase do you even remember my name, he kept repeating that as if they knew who he was, maybe they did.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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