7 Years later

836 8 3

Yn: 7 years have passed since I escaped from my former family and today is the day go to Beacon Academy with my four girlfriends and during my time with my new family they treated me as one of there own and 9 months later my mother gave birth to twins and names the two Takuma and Kazuma and during these 7 years I was happy but during that time I kept getting the feeling that I missed my old family sure they abused and neglected me but in the end I still loved them and I want to see them again and just to forgive them and bring them into my life once again

Holo: Yn you ready

Yn: Yeah just give me a minute

Holo: You were thinking of them again *she walks over to you*

Yn: Yeah 

Holo: You still want to forgive them?

Yn: Yes 

Holo: Yn I know you have a good heart and that what makes you human 

Yn: I'm aware Holo *You hug her* thank you

Holo: *Hugs back* Anything for you 

the door opens to reveal Senko

Senko: You two ready the bullhead is gonna leave in a few minutes

Yn: I'm ready

Holo: I'm ready aswell

and with that you Holo Louise Erza and Senko went to the bullhead but your adoptive parents Natasha and Wade look at you with a smile with Takuma and Kazuma in Natasha's arms waving goodbye to you and your girls with smiles on their faces  

later at beacon

Ruby: I miss him so much Yang

Yang: Yes I know sis we will see him

Weiss: Who are you two talking about

Yang: Our brother

Blake: You two had a brother

Ruby: Yes our parents would abuse and neglect him for years and Yn finally snapped and escaped and we never saw him again

Yang: Our mothers have been in depression ever since our Uncle Qrow stopped drinking and our father Tai would just push himself too much when he was training 

Weiss: I'm sorry but I hope you and your family can make this right

Ruby: I hope so

With you and your girls

Yn: Ozpin a pleasure to see you Sir

Ozpin: Hello to you too Mr. Wilson or should I say Mr. Rose

Yn: Call me whatever you want I just want to forgive my old family from the abuse and neglect 

Ozpin: I'm surprised Yn your taking a big step

Erza: That's Yn for you he's been training ever since he was adopted by Wade and Natasha Wilson

Senko: Our Yn is the best and the strongest ever

Louise: *Nods* He sure is

Holo: When is our Initiation Professor 

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