Chapter 12

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"And that is where the black plague came from." The professor said before exhaling at the end of her sentence. This class drove her insane asking her the most absurd and obvious questions.

I tapped my pen against my finger with impatience, waiting for the next 40 minutes to go by.

"Everyone, we can start talking about your assignment now." The professor shuffled in her seat before standing up.

She had a piece of paper in her hands. "You'll all have to create a presentation and write an advanced 8000 word essay on history in the USA summarised."

"This project is worth 40% of your final grade, so you should work hard on it. I've partnered each of you with someone you'll work with because you've all proven to me you can't get assignments done alone."

The entire room groaned as soon as she said the last sentence. I was hoping I'd end up with Roman or Jade.

"Kyle and Gretchen. Megan and Jonny. Roman and Joey."

A heavy exhale left my mouth. Me and Ran exhanged disappointed glances from afar.

"Shy and......"

I held my breath, waiting for her to name the person I'd be stuck working with for the next 2 weeks.


It felt as if my soul came out of my body hearing that name. Of course it was Enzo. The universe hates me.

Enzo looked at me from across the class and I instantly avoided his eyes. I don't know if I'll be able to stand him for even one day let alone working with him for 2 weeks.

After the lecture ended, Roman caught up with me.

"I fucking hate this." Roman said in a irritated tone.

"How do think I feel? I'm with Enzo the college's man-whore. I feel like the world just keeps pushing us together its disgusting."

We went to the cafeteria and bought our lunch before we walked towards the tables with our lunch trays.

"I'm going to the mall later, you wanna come?" Roman asked as he picked up a fry and dipped it in ketchup.

"Hm. Might as well."

The sounds of close footsteps made us turn our heads, and I rolled my eyes seeing it was Enzo.

"What." I said with an undeniable attitude, looking up at him.

"Watch your tone. I'm just here to tell you to work hard on that project. I want an A."

His words made me narrow my eyes. "And what're you going to do?"

"What I do best." He smacked a girls ass who was walking past him and she winked at him. The audacity of him to think that he's just going to sit back and I'm going to do all of the work. I hate men.

A repulsed expression formed on my face. "I'm trying to fucking eat my lunch- and no way. If you're not doing it then I'm not doing it." I shifted in my seat and my arms remained crossed.

"You are doing it."

"So I'm supposed to write an 8000 word essay and make a presentation while you sit back on your ass and get laid?"

"Exactly. Catch you later." He winked before walking away, leaving me irritated and beyond angry.

"I can't believe him- he's like the spawn of the fucking devil." I was shocked and annoyed how he could do me like that. There's no way in the world that I'm going to do that assignment by myself.

"I can't believe you actually talked to him like that." Roman said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"Since you're new here, let me just explain it. Everyone is fucking afraid of Enzo. And that's everyone who isn't one of his loyal friends."

I rolled my eyes at his words as I played with my food. "Oh please- he's just a power hungry man with a huge ego."

"One time, he broke some guys nose and smashed his teeth out because he talked back to him. I was there."

He took a sip from his coke can before he continued. "I'm just saying, be careful. And whatever you do- don't sleep with him." He pointed his finger at me as my face twisted with repulsion.

"Are you crazy? Why would I sleep with him?"

"Because every girl in this building has some sort of fascination with him. They always end up getting hurt. He basically uses them and then cuts them off."

"Well I'm not one of them."

"And I haven't finished yet- he's like a bajillionaire, his father owns a big company or something."

"If he's so rich, then why is he here and not at home?" I scoffed.

"I have no idea. But you're loaded and you're here at this hellhole so..."

"Wow. You know a lot about him."

"Everyone knows this, that he doesn't care about anyone other than himself."

"You're right." I breathed, trying to hide my inner stress.

I had no idea what I was going to do with the project, and the pressure from my family kicked in. If I don't get good grades, my family will marry me off.

I wasn't going to let that happen. It's time I remind myself and others who I really am....


The next day....

I adjusted my mask and hid behind a car, waiting for Enzo to be alone. Once he reached the empty car park I was hiding in, I made my move.

I jumped out, knocking him to the ground and rolling over him. I pulled out my knife while struggling to hold him down.

I wasn't going to actually kill him, I was only going to scare him okay?

I should have known better trying to hold a 6 foot something built as fuck man on the ground, because he pushed me off and rolled over me. My knife was in his hand now. My mouth opened, surprised at how fast he acted. Even professionals couldn't outsmart me.

He pushed the knife down against my neck but before he could draw blood, I threw a punch to his jaw. This gave me time to stand up.

He quickly stood up and slammed me against a wall, going in to punch me before I blocked him. He managed to blow a punch to my nose, and I felt my eyes water.

He pinned me down. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong.

Even then I thought I was doing okay, until he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. What the fuck was he doing with a gun? Was Roman actually right about him?

He then moved his hand and pulled my mask off.

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