Chapter 55

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We haven't spoken to each other since the argument. I got dressed and slid into bed, resting my head on my pillow and thinking about Theo.

"My brother." I finally start as he lays down. "Don't kill him."

"You jump to the worst conclusion. I might have agreed to it but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it."


"I tried to tell you pain in the ass." He replied making me roll my eyes, and I turned to face him. His calming eyes met with mine, and I placed a hand over his face with reluctance.

"I don't hate you. I'm sorry." I said with slight desperation, searching his eyes for any hurt. I don't know why I cared if he was hurt, but I did.

I pressed a warm kiss to his lips before snuggling into him. His arms tightened around my body, and I knew I was safe. I always did when I was with him.

And I was beyond the point of questioning myself. All I knew was that I needed him.


We stayed in for a few days, trying the hotels many different foods and watching movies.

I tossed and turned in my sleep, started to feel uncomfortable. When my eyes fluttered open, I noticed Enzo was gone.

After sitting up I noticed him standing on the balcony.

I slipped out of bed and put on one of his shirts before going towards him. He seemed deep in thought, his back facing me. His sweatpants were hanging low on his waist, revealing his calvin klein waistband. He didn't realise I was awake until I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and placed my head on his back.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. He pulled the cigarette that hung loosely between his lips and threw it off the balcony.

There were a few moments of silence, before he turned around to face me. He gently cupped my face in his large hands and pressed his lips to my forehead.

He pulled away and looked at me with something incredibly vehement and soft. Something I already knew what it was, something I'd seen before, not only in him but myself too.

"I love you."

As my ears took in those words, a tug pulled on my heart and caused my chest to tighten. He looked into my eyes, searching for some reaction. For something.

I blinked, knowing exactly how I felt but how would I ever admit it? I don't feel anything, yet right now I felt everything at once like a bus had ran me over.

Words couldn't leave my mouth, I'd never been loved before.

When I didn't react, his eyes hardened suddenly with a realisation. "I can't keep chasing you Shy." He gritted, looking away.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're giving me nothing."

"Enzo I....."

He exhaled before going into the room, throwing his shirt on and walking out. As soon as the door closed, I fought hard not run after him, tell him he was forever mine and I was his.

So why was it so hard for me to admit my feelings?

I stood frozen for a long time, nothing but the deepest thoughts taunting me. I should have ran after him, but it was too late now. I had no idea where he went, or when he'd come back.

What if he never came back?

I sat in the edge if the bed, my head hung low before the door busted open. I shot upwards, almost thinking it was Enzo but it wasn't.

"Theo." I said with shock, my heart squeezing at an intensity that made me extremely afraid for myself.

The look in Theo's eyes was the scariest I'd ever seen. He had a gun point out in front of him as he stormed in, checking the room for anyone else.

Seeing it was just me here he put his gun down. "Where is he?!!!" He yelled.

"Gone." I bluntly replied. He grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me hard.


I didn't reply, I had no idea myself but even if I did I'd never tell him. He pushed me back so and I fell on the bed with a stumble.

He ran his hand through his hair, pacing around the room. "I'll fucking kill him!!"

"You won't even try." I spat.

"I will Shy and when I do I'll make sure you get married off to one of father's choices!"

I stared at him feeling betrayal from his words. "Then why don't you beat me like father does if you want to be on his side!!"

"You don't get it Shy!! This guy you're with, he's fucking dangerous!! Stay away from him or you'll be sorry!!"

Another man came running in. "Boss! We found his location."

My breathing stopped as I heard that sentence. "No. You aren't going to go after him!"

Theo ignored me and walked to the door but I grabbed his arm. "I'll never talk to you again Theo."

He snatched it from me and walked out. "Take her home and make sure she doesn't escape." He ordered one of his men.

"No!!" I yelled with desperation. I knew Enzo was in a vulnerable star and because of me. He didn't even take his gun with him when he left.

A few armed men walked in my way, but before one of them could touch me I punched his jaw. The other two got alarmed and tried grabbing my arms but I kicked them both to the ground.

I kneeled down, punching them in their faces to knock them out before I felt a prick in my neck, and my mind faded into darkness.

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