Leaving Karasuno...

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You were studying for a midterm and you smell pancake and eggs, you look at the clock. Its 4 am! Is my brother really cooking at this time? You thought to yourself. You don't live with your parents because, well.. they are dead. Your younger brother by two years Tsutomu Goshiki was a first year at Shiratorizawa Academy, as you were a upcoming third year.. You decided to go downstairs and check out what he was doing up at 4am. You slowly crept downstairs as your stairs made a weird creaking noise as you went down them. You finally make it downstairs and you now smell the aroma of eggs. Now you are very eager to go investigate, you creep into the kitchen and you see your friend Ushijima cooking in the kitchen along with your brother Goshiki. U-u-ushijima what are you doing here, you yelp. "Well as you see Goshiki wanted me to come over to help him cook because he was hungry, I also have something to ask you." You were confused but you said "Yes of course whats up?" He seemed very serious, "Can you come to Shiratorizawa and become our manager for the Volleyball team" he begs. "W-w-what?! You just want me to abandon Karasuno??" you cry out. "Well yes. But you can choose if you want, you are closer to Shiratorizawa than Karasuno" he says. You think "Well he is correct, but im going to have to leave Shouyo and Kageyama and the others" that makes you sad, you start crying. "Hey, its okay don't cry, its okay" He pulls you in for a hug. You felt safe in his arms, after all you have all your life but you never really had feelings for him like you used to when y'all were younger. You hear Goshiki go "EWWWW YALL ARE HUGGING" All you could do was laugh but Ushijima wasn't too happy about it, he just ignored him. You decided to transfer to Shiratorizawa after a while of thinking. 

!!!TW: SU!(!D3!!! 

You decide to go for a walk at 5:30 almost. As you are walking you see someone in the distance on a ledge of a building. "HEY ARE YOU OKAY?" You called out. No answer. "DONT JUMP PLEASE COME DOWN AND TALK TO ME!" They finally listened. As they were walking towards you, you could see burn marks and cuts all over his body. "Whats wrong, are you okay?" He shrugged. "Whats your name?" You ask him quietly. "Tendo. Satori Tendo." You gasp. "I've heard that name before you think to yourself. Do you happen to know Ushijima??" He looked surprised. "Yes I do we are on the Volleyball team together at Shiratorizawa" Now you were really surprised. "I've heard amazing things about you Tendo, what are you doing out here at this time and why do you have marks all over yourself." His face saddened and he looked up at you. "Well, you see I really don't want to be here anymore, I've been bullied for the way I look for a long time and I'm sick of it" You start getting upset with the way hes saying these things and he can tell your sad. "OH NO I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU SAD" he whined. "Why do people say those things your perfect in my eyes Satori." He looked up at you like he had just won the lottery. "Wait you really think that?" You smiled at him "Of course Silly!" He smiled back. After a while of talking he finally asked "What school are you from I haven't seen you before". You looked at him "Karasuno, but not anymore, Ushijima is making me transfer to Shiratorizawa so I can be the Volleyball teams manager." You remember "OH CRAP I HAVE TO TELL KARASUNO THE NEWS" You pull out your phone and go to the Volleyball group chat that you were in because of Kiyoko. You type. 

"Hey guys. I'm sorry if I wake any of y'all up but, Ill be transferring schools."

You get a immediate text back from Sugawara. 

"W-w-wait why Y/N? Please don't go" You can tell hes in pain. You've known Sugawara almost all of your life.

You text back "Don't worry silly I'll still visit you everyday I'm just so far from Karasuno I think its best if I transfer to Shiratorizawa.

Then you get a message from the rest of the boys wishing you good luck and telling you they will miss you but you cant get your mind off of Sugawara and Shouyo they seemed so sad after they heard the news, the rest were just happy for you, except Tsukishima, he never really cared about you.

Then Tendo asks you "What school are you transferring to?" You look up at him and smile "Shiratorizawa silly Ushijima is forcing me to remember?" He smiled "Oh yeah sorry about that"

Y'all just started laughing and talking then you realized its getting bright outside. Y'all exchange numbers and you go back home but you see Tendo staring at you. "Whats up?" You say. "Your really pretty now that I can see your face more clear.."

You giggle "Aww thank you, Tendo." He smiles "No problem, whats your name??"

 You chuckle "Y/N silly" You see him blush a little bit while you say your goodbyes and head separate ways, but you cant stop thinking about Karasuno.......


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