15. The Day Off

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[Outside Team RWBY'S dorm]

3rd Person POV

T-Burn: *knocks on door* "Hey you guys here."

Rick: "Not a good door greeting."

T-Burn: "Got anything better."

Jack: "Yes, actually I do."

T-Burn and Jack started to argue about better greetings

Weiss: *opens door* "How may I help you guys."

Swift: "We wanted to know if you guys want to hang out for our day off."

Weiss: "Maybe, come in and after you tell us what you want to do then well consider."

Jack: "Ok."

They walk in and sit down

Yang: "What did you guys want to do?"

Swift: "I wanted to go to library with Blake."

Jack: "I wanted to go walk around the school with Weiss."

Rick: "I wanted to train with Yang."

T-Burn: "I wanted to go look for weapon parts with Ruby and ask her to teach me how to shoot a gun. So, it a yes or a no."

Blake: "Yea."

Weiss: "Sure."

Yang: "Lets do this."

Ruby: "Yes."

[In the training room]

Ricks POV

Yang: "Rick, you ready."

Rick: "Yea."

They lunge at each other and start throwing punches and kicks. It all went downhill when Rick accidentally touched her hair through his punch. Yangs eyes turn red and she started walking towards Rick. She punched in face and kicked him in the legs.

Yang: (eyes turning back to normal) "This was really fun whe should totally do this more often."

Rick: "Well, I'm not done with today's lesson yet."

[In the Library]

Swifts POV

Swift: "I should come here more often."

Blake: "I know right, its so peaceful."

Swift: "Have you read the book "The Man Two Souls."

Blake: "Yes I have. Its very interesting."

They started to talk about books for the rest of the day

[In the Beacon Courtyard]

Jacks POV

Jack: "Hey Weiss, how has class been going with you?"

Weiss: "Great actually, I have the highest scores in my classes. How about you?"

Jack: "Mine are good I have the 3rd highest scores in my class under Roger."

Weiss: "Well lets take this opportunity to get you to the second highest."

Jack: "Really? Thanks Weiss your the best."

[In the weapon shop]

T-Burns POV

T-Burn: "Should the purple handle or the purple wrapping for my grips."

Ruby: "The handle. Now should I get the customizable scopes or the different magazines?"

T-Burn: "The customizable scopes."

Ruby: "Okay. (they bought there things) Lets go to the roof and teach you how to shoot a gun."

They go to the roof of the dorm building

Ruby: "First, get into a comfortable stance. Second, locate your target. Third, shoot the gun."

T-Burn follows the steps and shot a soda can

T-Burn: "Your directions aren't that hard."

Ruby: "Nope."

T-Burn: "Hey Ruby, what can I do to repay you?"

Ruby: "You can buy me cookies."

T-Burn: "Okay."

[Later in that night in team RWBY'S dorm]

3rd Person POV

Blake: "Bye guys."

Jack: "Laters."

T-Burn:" That's my line dude."

Rick: *gets in between them* "Were gonna continue this argument in our room."

Yang shuts the door

Weiss: "Today was fun."

Yang: "What was the best things in your days. Mine was that I got a cool sparring partner."

Blake: "Since me and Swift book like the same types of books we can trade them off and talk about then."

Weiss: "Now, I get help Jack with some of his work and he helps me in combat training."

Ruby: "T-Burn gets me a bag of cookies every time we have a gun lesson."

Weiss: "Well guys lets go to sleep we got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

RWBY x T.A.O.TRQS (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now