Chapter 6

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??? 's POV -

" What a beautiful family ! Soon this beautiful family will be killed by me. Everyone will beg me to stop them torturing. Their death will be more tragedier than their parents. It will be so amusing, doesn't it hunny ?" Cruella asks someone.

" Yes. It will be so much funny. Then I will be the only King of the vampires kingdom and you will be the queen of mine, sweetheart." He said to Cruella.

" It's their last time to enjoy for them. Soon I will kill them. Now my target is Y/N. Aww..... I feel so bad for her cause she have to die like her mommy and your target is.....?" Cruella asks him.

" Obviously  Jin ,my so call nephew." He said.

" That's the best of you hunny. But if they make Y/N into a vampire we will not able to do anything. Because she will be a double powerful vampire than us." Cruella said.

" Always be positive, sweetheart. They don't have any idea about us as much we have about them." He said.

" As you say, hunny. " Cruella said.

             End of the POV.

It's already midnight. After taking dinner with them I came to my room. I was preparing for my bed. My mind always keep thinking about them. I believe that Yoongi is my brother. I thought vampires are bad. They use human only for fulfill their needs but as a vampire family, they didn't do anything bad to me or harm me yet. I think they are good . I have to help them as my repay and for my family sake. While thinking  soon I fall asleep deeply.

More like three hours later,I wake up panting . My body felt numb and sweating a lot though the weather is cold. " Why is it happen to me ? Why I have the same nightmare again ?" I scream to myself .

To refresh my mind, I open the door of the balcony which was attached to my room. When I open it I get scare.I was not prepare for it.

There was standing a woman's Shadow who's back was facing me. Then I recognize that it was the same thing which I saw in the forest and which I followed. My body felt numb. I can't walk from their. So I stand their like a statue. Soon after I hear the same sobbing and crying sound. It was sorrowful.

" W- who are you ? What do you want from me ?" I ask

It wasn't responding. There was a dairy on the night stand. It's page was turing automatically and someone is writing on it . I can't see who is writing on it cause it was unvisible.I again look at the shadow. It was standing there like a statue. Soon my head was aching so much and I faint on the floor.
                    ( In the morning).

Sun light was heating my face. I open my eyes and discover that I was sleeping on the floor. Then I remember everything that happened last night. Without wasting any time I take that diary from night stand and run out of my room.

While running in the hallway I bumped into someone.

While running in the hallway I bumped into someone

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"Why so hurry ? Watch your way ,baby girl." Jin said.

" Oh I am really sorry. Can you please tell me where is Namjoon or Yoongi ?" I ask him while I am panting so much.

" Why you need them when you have me, baby girl?" Jin said and comes closer to me.

I walk back and Jin is still coming closer to me. My back is pin to the wall. His face was so close to me. I was nervous and look down on floor. He licks his lips.

" When I am talking to you look at my eyes. " Jin said and I look at him.

" You look so beautiful when you are scared of me " Jin said and kiss my forhead. I was blushing.

Then Jin leaves me there and I was blushing there like a fool. Soon after Yoongi comes at the hallway where I was.

" Oh Y/N, you are here. I was going to your room." Yoongi said.

" Actually brother, I was searching for you."

" Hey you ok ? You look so pale."

" I am not well so much. I have so many things to tell you."

" You can share anything to me just tell it." Yoongi said.

Then I told about everything to Yoongi  and even about my nightmares too and then I give him that diary .

Yoongi takes it from my hand and starts reading it silently. His expression changed .I get so curious about what is written on that diary.

" Yoongi ?? Are you ok ?" I ask him concernly.

" I am ok. But you are in get trouble , sister. Let's go." Yoogi said and grab my hand.

" Where we are going ?" I ask him.

" To Jin. Only now he can help you." Yoongi said.

" What is written on that diary ?" I ask him.

" You will soon find it but now we have no time to think about something . " Yoongi said.

              ( End of this chapter).

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