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"That's impossible." I said, "I would've known if you-"

"I brought my birth certificate, you can see for yourself." He handed me the certificate and I eyed it suspiciously. His name was Adam.

"This doesn't prove anything." I said, "for all I know this can be fake."

"Forget it," he said, "I don't know what to do to prove it to you." He was turning around to walk away, but I stopped him,

"I'm sorry," I said, "it's just been kind of hard with everything i've been through."

"I get it, believe me." He said, "I knew it wouldn't be easy to convince you, so I brought one more thing." He handed me a necklace that my parents bought for me when I was 8. It was a diamond heart.

"H-how'd you get this?"

"Our parents gave it to me to give to you," he said, "they also said that they're sorry about everything."

I took the pendant out of his hand and wrapped it around my neck.

"How did you even know we were home?" Cameron asked.

"Well," he said, "I've been standing here for the last 2 hours trying to figure out a way to approach you, so I was able to hear you talking the whole time. Sorry to interrupt, you know." He said as he winked.

"But at the same time," he continued, "that's my sister and I forbid you to touch her."

"Ok, good luck with that one buddy." Cameron said, and gave him the finger.

"Well, I should be going. We'll talk soon." He said. I waved goodbye.

"Wow," I said, I actually have blood related family left." I said smiling. I looked up at Cameron who didn't look too thrilled.

"I don't trust him." He said. I looked at him confused,

"why not?" I asked.

"Well for starters, you can't track down someone like you that fast. And Dan wouldn't just give away our information that quickly without being positive."

"Cameron, you're overreacting. After everything i've been through, I think I have pretty good judgement." He shook his head,

"No, after everything you've been through, I think you want to believe that you have family left."

"Cameron!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked, "i'm sorry, but I promised you that all i'll ever be is honest, and now I am being honest. I really don't feel comfortable with you letting this random guy in."

"He's not a random guy he's my brother!" I yelled,

"Gabby," he said, "please. If anything happened to you, I don't know what i'd to. Please, let's just find out a little more about him, okay? I'll have my dad's company look him up and see what they can find, okay?" I nodded. That sounded fair.

"Okay." I said, and gave him an apologetic hug."

"I'm tired," I said, "i'm going to go to sleep." I walked up the stairs with him following behind."


Sorry I know it's short, hopefully my next few chapters will be longer :)

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