4. What does he want?

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"The information was correct. He is Sebastian's child."  He said more to himself then to the girl who went pale and rigid at this statement.

"W- What do you want and what's in that handkerchief?" she demanded trying to regain her composure.

"It's his hair strand that I am going to send for a DNA test. I just want to be double sure of the information I got," he informed folding the handkerchief carefully before putting it in his coat's pocket.
"We need to talk," he announced as he started walking to the living room and she clumsily followed behind on her unsteady legs.

'No... no...I can't lose Sam. He is all I have.'  Her heart was screaming in pain and eyes threatened to shed the tears she was trying her best to hold back. She stopped for a moment before entering the living room to gather her chaotic thoughts.
For Sam, she will fight with everything she had. She will never give up on him, she promised to herself.

When she finally gained some control on her emotions she entered the room and found him sitting oh- so- comfortably on the couch. His ankle rested on his left knee while he relaxes and stretched his arms about him.

Looking at him she remembered something...Cats! Cats pretty much own the space they like just like he was doing at the moment. But there was one big difference. Cats are harmless while this guy in front of her had a predatory watchfulness and physical prowess hidden beneath his sleek surface.
He was a big Predator cat from the wild who had found its way here to prey on her happiness and peace.
His relaxed posture gave the feeling as if he owned the place, her house and even her Sam and this only fuelled her resentment towards him.

"What do you want?" she asked trying to contain her anger but failing to do so.

"A meal would be great," he said calmly.

She went quiet for a minute not sure if she had heard him correctly or were her ears playing tricks on her.

He sighed as if he just came back tired from a big hunt.
"Do you English people not even know that you should at least ask your guest for some tea or maybe a good meal because it's already late and I am quite hungry."
He looked at his watch and then back at her, "It's dinner time."

Lilly looked at him. Speechless. Torn between the urge and confusion on whether to laugh at this joke or to scream at this man. Or maybe throwing something on his head and then him out of her house or maybe out of this country would be much better.

But she did none of the above. She had never thought that there will come a day when her patience will be put on the test and that too by someone like him. She had never felt this level of anger towards anyone from a very long time. The last time she had felt this irritated was when she was 7 years old and a neighbouring boy was claiming her teddy bear as his.

Even though she had solved that situation quite meticulously by punching the boy on his stomach and pushing him to the ground.

Oh how much she wanted to repeat that same thing at the moment...to beat this guy blue and black. But she knew she couldn't do that because he looked and he surely was much more powerful than her. So trying to beat him would be the stupidest movie.

"I hope you are not making plans to kill me." He said as he watched the expressions change on her face.

"Mr King, we treat all our guests with great respect but we don't entertain annoying intruders or strangers and especially those who come at the door with bad intentions." He raised a brow as she continued, "Now if you are done then please leave and don't come back until you are sure of what you  are looking for."

Ashton looked at the girl who was standing in front of him clenching her fists as if trying to suppress her anger. That gesture of hers brought a small smile on his lips which he was quick to hide.

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