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Day after day, Sunghoon left practice at 6:30 pm sharp and Coach Ji didn't even mind. Even after learning the choreography, they would usually practice till 9:30 pm, but it seemed like something was up and Chaerim just couldn't figure it out. Frustrated about the fact she didn't know what was going on she finally mustered the courage to ask him.

On their way walking to the skating rink, Chaerim and Sunghoon were enjoying their walk and the silly antics they pulled off.

"Sunghoon, remember the time when we first moved to the apartment and your mom made you bring clementines to our floor. You slipped down the stairs, dropping the clementines everywhere and all we heard was a loud cry," she teased playfully, "No one was expecting you to be such big a cry baby."

"Ugh, don't remind me," he half smiled while brushing his hair back, "Well remember the time your mom threw out the old couch you used to jump on top of the daily and... and the day after she threw the couch out you decided to jump, but you were in midair and landed flat on your butt, making the loudest thud ever." He cackled with joy as tears from laughter filled his eyes, "I witnessed the whole thing, but I still thought there was an earthquake."

"Ha ha very funny," Chaerim responded sarcastically.

"Ah~ the good old days," he exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh you sound like an old man," she laughed while covering her mouth.

He smiled at her while he fun-lovingly ruffled her hair.

"Hey Sunghoon, I've been meaning to ask you this. Where have you been going every day at 6:30 pm? It's not like you to leave this early especially since we have a competition coming up. I hope you're not doing something useless. You already have a really good future ahead of you. I mean you're only 15 and the 7th best male figure skater of all of South Korea."

He looked at her softly and smiled once again with his sparkling eyes, "Don't worry. I promise you that I'm working very hard and I'm not doing anything useless. It's just that mom wants me to go to cram school since I'm not doing that good in school right now."

"Alright, Sunghoonie," she smiled as she patted his back, "Liar."


6:30 pm

Once it was 6:30 pm, Sunghoon had to leave for "cram school". But Chaerim knew it was all an act. She could tell he was lying the moment we responded to her question. Whenever Sunghoon lied to her, the pitch of his voice would slightly raise and that was when Chaerim was able to tell if he was bluffing or not.

"Yah, Sunghoon, can't I walk you to the bus stop this time? It's going to be so lonely without you," Chaerim whined.

"No!" he responded immediately, "Eh hem... I mean no. It's fine. You should really practice Chaerim. I think you need to work on your triple axel a bit more and then you would land it perfectly. Besides the people you're competing against are like you and even stronger. I know you can do it! Fighting!"

"Ugh alright," she groaned with disappointment. He was definitely hiding something.

As soon as Sunghoon left the ice skating facility, Chaerim quickly changed into her sneakers and snuck out of her practice session (of course Coach Ji was going to kill her later, but that wasn't as important as Sunghoon). She saw Sunghoon turn to the right and quietly followed him, staying at least 6 feet away from him.

When they arrived in front of a large building, Sunghoon walked in, heading straight towards the front desk. Chaerim looked up reading the words:

"Big Hit Entertainment? No... there's no way he could've."


a/n: yes Chaerim is very sneaky lol. I'm lowkey proud of myself bc I've been pretty consistent about updating and I'm really glad I've been enjoying writing these days. Anyhow, thank you so much for the love and support <3

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