Laughing Jack Stops Laughing

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The shadows delivered me to the steps outside the house. "That was a nice little trick"said an ominous voice followed by a cackle. I looked towards the source of the laughter. What i saw made me question life. There was a seven foot clown with a pointy nose. He was entirely black and white with sharp pointy teeth. "Just who in the hell are you?" i questioned. A gust of wind began to blow the cool air around me. "Me?" he said laughing hysterically. "Im Laughing Jack, now tell me who are you to be taking all my playtoys." I instantly felt hatred towards Jack and wanted to execute him. I let the shadows consume me, when i heard Jack's annoying cackle. "Did you really think you were the only one who could use the shadows, you will be a fun new playtoy." cooed Jack. "Your a fucking idiot." i said letting out my own little laugh. No sooner had those words escaped my mouth when the shadows coalesced into swords and pierced Jack's arms and legs. "What the hell?" inquired nervously laughing. I didnt say anything more to him. "Oh so your the quiet type it doesnt matter i can just become mist and get out of this." he sneered. "Go ahead and try" i challenged. "Ooo your so dead!" he crowed. But he didnt dissapate which caused him to say. "What the hell are you? Why cant i get out?" he began to panick. "Because this my world and im stronger than you." i informed him. "Goodbye Jack" i said as my machete cleaved his head from his body. As if a switch had been flipped one of the skulls eyes lit up with a brilliant purple light. I felt myself suddenly get stronger as i recited the pray." Its a cruel world, and your a victim."

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