Chapter 1

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My name is Bethany Johnson and i'm 17 years old and i'm a Senior, at west Springview high, since i skipped a grade.

So this is my story.....




Is what i hear at 6:00. I smack the off button to my alarm a little too hard which caused it to fall off of my nightstand and caused me to groan as I got up take a shower. I then put on deodorant, brush my teeth I start to do my makeup and all is perfect until I get to make eyebrows. That alone took 20 minutes because honestly the day I do it in 5 minutes and it's perfect will be the day hell freezes over. After Putting on my striped pants, tube top, and jacket I run to my desk to spray perfume.

I run downstairs to see my mom at the counter eating with my twin brother, jay. I walk to get some fruit loops and sit there in silence. It's always quiet in the mornings since everyone is still half asleep, which Is why I didn't even bother with a hello.

its just us and my older sister who's at college. dad died when I was 11 and mom never really dated after. I couldn't blame her though they were in love. But I just wanted her to be happy an at least try. I always wanted the best for her, she did so much for me so it was easy for me to want the same for her. Ever since he died she just busied herself in being a nurse and worked long shift to where we only saw her in the mornings mostly.

After finishing our cereal me and my brother pile into our shared car, a 2010 Honda Accord.Not before we said a goodbye to our mom which she yelled a goodbye and a be safe to us. It took us a year to save up for that car. I didn't really mind having to share the car, I didn't do much and if I did something my best friend Alex would always drive us. When we get to school we go our separate ways, as you can see me and my brother don't talk to each other that much unless needed. But we still have each others back's which is great in the end.

I start to walk to my locker where me and Alex usually meet up when I get a call. I look down and it's from my sister, I quickly answer.

"Hey, everything okay," I ask her we haven't been talking as much as we had since she went off to college, I feel as though theres something going on but she'd tell me if anything was. "yeah... Hey Bee you know I love you right?" she sighed at the end like she had some weight lifted off her shoulders. "of course Serena, everything okay? Do I need to drive down there?" Serena lived in Atlanta which was so far from home.

as I started to come upon my locker I see Alex on her phone probably playing Candy crush, that girl could play through a tornado and not notice until she got annoyed of the game "cheating."

"yeah. Everything's okay" I open my locker up and just listen her breathing on the other side as I grab my books from it. Alex finally looks up and is just about to start shouting when I put a finger up to point to my phone. she quickly mouthes "s" and I nod my head. if there was one person I was on the phone with if I was ever on the phone it was Serena.

"Hey S-" I get quickly caught off by Serena, "Hey Bee, I love you ,stay strong, and just know that I love you. I love you through it all okay?"

I nod my head before I realize she can't see it " Yeah S, I love you too, is everything okay, why are you- " The phone call ends. I hear the beeping.

I stare at the phone for a second before I heard the bell ring for class. I quickly put my phone in my back pocket and turned to Alex who was looking at her phone.

"everything okay bee? you sounded worried?" I turn and look to her and nod my head. I didn't need to put my worries on anyone else.

We start to walk to class as Alex throws her arm around my neck and talked about her fall break and how she went to a big party with her 'friend' Eric. Even though anyone with two yes could see her and that boy had something going on those two blind mice couldn't see anything. I couldn't really focus on her though that call from my sister just made me think on why she called just to say that , I should call her later I thought to myself and planned to do so right after. as I continue on ways to find whats up with my sister Alex taps my shoulder and turns to me.

"Hey bee, I know you said you're okay but you're zoning out ,something's on your mind. whenever you're ready Im here If you want to talk okay?" with that Alex leaves me to think for a bit as I continue to walk to my classroom, I felt bad for ignoring her but with such a strange call from my sister It was hard for me not to.

As I turn to go into my classroom I run into someone and fall to the ground. Papers go flying everyone and the commotion caused the people to look as they walked by, i look up to see who I ran into when I look into a pair of familiar brown eyes. 


SO since this week in college is really chill Ive decided to update a new chapter every day until Tuesday. Ive been very inconsistent but I hope to change that.

Also how do you Guys like the story so far compared to how it used to be?

Feedback always welcomed!

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