Chapter 1

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My name is Annalise but go by Anna and I'm 16. I have five older brothers, I have met two of them when I met doing one of my jobs. I've been raised for this life since I was three. My mom has trained me for everything. When she found out that my father was the head of the Italian Mafia she ran. At the time she didn't know she was pregnant with me. A few weeks later she got all the symptoms she had for my brothers. Nine months later there I am, named Annalise Katrina Deluca.

To be prepared for any and everything I've been train in everything. From languages to different types of fighting and tactics. I'm waiting for the time to be right to return home and act all nice and innocent. Some in the mafia world may also know me as the infamous hacker and fighter Wildfire. No one know what I look like because each time I go to a fight I wear a different wig. So just imagine what my closet

I may be 16 yet I'm a senior. So while doing school work I got a call from my mother. I know it's an emergency because she used her emergency phone.
(M-mom A-Annalise)

A- Mom is everything okay.

M- Anna honey it's time to go and tell them. Use your key to get in the office where the filing Cabinet is, it has all the info you need. I love you.

I proceed to hear a gunshot and the line goes dead.

I can feel it I'm my gut that she's dead. I start going towards the office where the filing cabinet is. Once I get it open I see there's a box labeled with my name.

In the box is two letters and several files and a list. Each girl is about a different family member. And both letters are addressed to me. As I start reading the files I find out that my oldest brother Alessandro is next in line for being capo(boss) of the mafia. And my father has never stopped looking for his wife. One of the letters say open now. Of course I open it now who wouldn't.

Dear Annalise,
By now I'm gone. You need to go to Italy and find your family. You should not mention anything about knowing they run a mafia. Give them the second letter it is a fake one yet if gives some truth. If they find out you know about the mafia you can choose what to do. Your father will now be the legal guardian of you. On your birth certificate it says he is the father I have had a dna test that shows it from when you were born. It is in the second letter but they will want another one to prove that it is true. They had gotten tips about having a mafia princess but never knew if it was true or not. Be safe and strong. You've been triad but that doesn't mean anything they've also been trained call Fred if you need help with anything. He was the help I always needed and has connections. I hope you learn to love and trust them gradually. I know I wasn't able to protect you for a few year and what happened I made them pay for what they did. Talk to them, the letter doesn't mention it and don't forget your meds.

Love you,

I was in tears. Slowly I got my phone out and texted Fred.
(F-Fred A-Anna)
A-Hey Fred, I got the call and I need a plane ticket to Italy and enough money to be in a nice place but not looking rich rich. Thanks

F- No problem. Sorry for losing her. The plane leaves in four hours get packed and I'll ship weapons and other things to my house that is in Italy. You can live there. Until you meet your family. Love you and be strong

A- Thank you sooo much, see you soon and love you.

I already had stuff in boxes since I knew it was going to happen soon, so packing was easy enough. And I was off to the airport.

Knowing Fred he got me a first class seat and everything was ready for me in Italy. The thing they didn't know was a storm was on its way.

After an hour I was in the and dreaming.

Author notes

Hey so this is my first story hope you like it. And sorry for any errors

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