Prologue: Neos & Kirito

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-The Second Week of the Closed Beta;

"Nearly three weeks in and we finally made it to the Fourth Floor." I commented, as Kirito chuckled.

"Yeah, it was crazy to think our combo brought it down like that. Than again, we do make an awesome team." Kirito replied with a smirk.

"Yeah we do." We high-fived. "Honestly, who knew we would become good friends right off the bat. I'm grateful you saved me that day." I added.

"Sure. I usually avoid people as much as I can, but than I saw something similar to me within you. Our love for the Virtual World." Kirito stated.

"VRMMORPGs really are something huh? I can't wait for the official release." I started. "Then we can clear all the floors like the badasses we are." I finished with a confident grin.

Kirito and I met on the first day, when he saved me from an ambush by some high-level monsters. Ever since then, we decided to form a party and have been grinding ever since. My real life is quite complicated, and I think Kirito's is to because of his timid nature, but we are still really good friends.

"I know it's not polite to talk about the real world, however, I was curious as to how you got into VRMMORPGs? I mean. Being an American, Japanese technology must blow your mind huh?" He asked me.

"To be honest, yes. It's amazing. Actually, I was highly influenced by Japanese culture and video games as well. I tried a little too hard to get the attention of a famous video game company, but who knew it would he Argus and Kayaba Akihiko that chose me." I replied to him.

"That's right. You helped design the NerveGear didn't you?" Kirito questioned.

"Yup. Though not the full system, so I can't say I know all of it's details." I admitted.

"Getting to meet our idol is the biggest thing. I wish I were that lucky." Kirito added.

"Who knows, I may get to set up a meeting but I don't know." I replied.

After our small chat, we both decided to log out for a while and get back on later. My day went the same as usual, cleaning the house and making dinner for me and my mother. Shortly after that, I took a bath, got dressed, and once again put on the NerveGear after several hours. Immediately after signing in, I met up with Kirito at a hidden dungeon we found, located west of Floor Four.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Let's do it." I replied as we smirked, drawing our respective swords.

As we made our way through it, we encountered small creatures and low-tier bosses that we took out with ease, but it all felt a little to easy that it gave us an odd feeling of insecurity.

"This place is creepy." I commented, to which Kirito nodded.

"Tell me about it. It's unsettling that I can't seem to relax. On your guard Neos, this part looks dangerous." Kirito warned me, as we came upon a large wooden door.

"I'm your six." I replied, as he used the key we got from the mini-boss to open the wooden door, revealing a large staircase with flickering pale lights.

The walk was long and silent as we made note of certain objects. Kirito was more alert than ever. Not that I blame him, as I was the same way. We finally made it to the bottom where we saw a massive room. Definitely the Boss Room of this dungeon. As we prepared ourselves mentally, Kirito pat me on the shoulder.

"Let's go." He said.

"But, of course." I replied as we smirked. We then entered the room.

"Why do I feel uneasy all of a sudden?" I mumbled.

"Tell me about it. This is creeping me out." Kirito replied.

"Huuuugh." Came a battle cry, as I pushed Kirito out of the way and with barely a breath, managed to get my sword up in time to block. I than locked swords with what appears to be the Boss; A Level 27 human-like creature called Uushio, The Crimson Lion.

"Neos!" Kirito yelled, as I used all my strength to push Uushio back, parrying his second attack.

"Switch!" I called, as Kirito moved in from left and slashed Uushio good. However, he automatically came charging back, and I jumped in front of Kirito to catch Uushio's blade, but he was really quick and managed to pierce me clean through.

"You okay, Neos!?" Kirito asked.

"Yeah. Hehe." I chuckled. "I got your sword now you freak." I taunted Uushio, before driving my sword through his body and slashed off his left arm. Doing so, Kirito came back full force and punched Uushio in the face.

"Okay now. Ready Neos?" He asked me, as I finally got free of Uushio's sword.

"Combo-style 41?" I added.

"Exactly." He replied with a smirk.

"Let's go." I said, as we charged in.

-20 Minutes later;

"Damn that Boss was quick. Even with one arm, he put up a good fight." I stated, breathing heavily.

"No doubt. His agility stat must of been really high." Kirito added. "At least we got to split the gold we found." He said.

"True that. I feel so amazing in the Virtual World. Imagine a way for people to live in a VRMMORPG for years, it would be quite awesome." I said.

"You know it. I would really enjoy a game like that. Anyway, let's get out of here before respawning occurs." Kirito replied with a laugh.

-The final day of the Closed Beta;

"It's been a good run hasn't it. Floor Eight man." I said, leaning against a fountain, Kirito sitting beside me with a snack.

"I'll say. It almost feels wierd saying goodbye. But I at least we have the full release to look forward to." He replied.

"Listen. This entire month, we got to know each other quite a bit. I know you're not much of a social person, but you seem pretty cool. We should hang out in the real world sometime." I commented.

"Sure. We can even check out some other VRMMORPGs." He added.

"Well. This is farewell for now Kirito." I said.

"Yeah. See you during the official launch, Neos." He replied, as we fist-bumped. I then logged out, waking up in the real world, as happy as ever.

So my idol eventually traps me in the game along with 9,999 others huh? It's going to be a crazy ride. I bet you all are wondering how me and Kirito actually met, or about why you didn't see that Boss fight. Truth is, it's all a secret. Don't worry, my story will unfold in the next chapter, where Kirito and I once again fight the world. But this time, it's for real. Stay tuned.

(I hope you all enjoyed the short introduction to my new fanfic. Now as Neos said, what happened in between those time skips will be revealed in the future. This was just to show how close Neos and Kirito are as friends. Anyway, stay tuned for Chapter Two of both this fanfic, and my KiriAlice Book Two fanfic. Smiles.)

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