Love Quest

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Me and Ashley got back to the cabin in SAO and relaxed. We healed up and I started cooking. She sat on the couch. "No tv?" She asked. "No. I like the silence. And plus I'm usually outside and by the lake. Enjoying the view." I said. She shrugged. "Oh well." She said. She eventually got tired of the silence and decided to break it. She got up and stood next to me looking over my shoulder. "Watcha cookin?" She asked.

"Oh this? Just an old recipe that I made when I was here with Ana. I loved it so much I learned how to make it. Still doesn't beat the real thing." I said. She looked curious. "So this is a real recipe?" She asked. I nodded and finished the meal. It was a spicy sandwich with tons of toppings. Mainly so the burn won't be as bad. "Try one." I said. Ashley was hesitant but she took a bite. Her eyes widened.

"Hot!" She said. She ran to get a glass of water but before she could drink the burn went away just as fast as It came. "It's not spicy anymore." She said. "Exactly. That's all the ingredients stopping the heat. After a few bites you get used to it." I said. I made another for me and I ate myself. Ashley eventually finished her food. "Delicious. Can I have another??" She begged. "Pleeeeeeease!"

"I don't think I have anymore.....but I do have ingredients at my real home. If you want--"

"Sounds great. Well...I can't say that yet because I don't even know where you live." She said. I laughed and we exchanged adresses. Little did I know she lived down the street from me. We planned on meeting up before the next round of the fight. She was next. We logged out and I sat up in my bed. Already hungry. "I wish that food was real." I said. I walked downstairs and began cooking. By that time Ashley was already here. I went to open the door.

"Ashley. You" I said. "What is it?" She asked. "N-nothing. Just not used to seeing you without your golden hair and eyes." I said. She laughed. Her hair was brown and down to her elbows. Eyes were a hazel color. A freckle here and there and a flower in her hair. She looked beautiful. "Well aren't you gonna let me in? I already smell the food." She said with a smile. I moved out of her way and let her into my home. She sat down on the couch.

"Food will be done soon. Make yourself at home." I said. I went back into the kitchen and she turned on the tv. "I guess I'm used to having the instant food thing. I forgot how long it took to actually cook this meal." She said. I laughed. "It'll be done in about 15 minutes." I said. She sighed. "Fine fine. I'll be watching tv. Maybe catch the highlights of the tournament." She said. I nodded and went back to cooking. In about fifteen minutes I came with a plate of food. Four sandwiches. Two for each. Ashley smiled.

"Thanks!" She said brightly. She dug in and so did I. We are and talked and laughed. Throughout our conversations she kept looking at my chest. "What is it Ashley?" I asked. "The necklace....I'm used to seeing it a lot so I guess this is new. And your hair is shorter." She said. "Yeah..." I looked down. She smiled a little and took my hand. "You really miss her don't you." She asked me. I nodded. I didn't really wanna say anything about it. The fear of tears was in my head.

"You don't have to let go. Just move on. This might get in your way someday. She wants you to move on but to never forget her as a person. Keep her memories and never forget her." She said. Those words hit home for me. The thoughts of Ana and the gang started sinking back in. Ashley scooted closer to me without me noticing and kissed my cheek. Our eyes met. Silence went throughout the house. We just looked at eachother. On impulse I leaned in and kissed her. Short but blissful. I broke off after coming to my senses.

"S-sorry Ashley I didn't know what came over me."

"It's ok Josh.....I was kinda waiting for it to happen....." She said. A smile grew onto her face. I smiled too and kissed her again. Longer and more confident. Letting the moment sink in. After a lttle bit we broke off and looked at eachother. "You look beautiful. Even without your golden hair and blue eyes." I said. She blushed. "Let's rest. We have a tournament to beat. And someone to bring down." She said. I nodded and showed her out. I closed the door and leaned against it. "Ashley...." That name was now stuck in my head.

I looked out the window and Ashley was doing the same thing. She saw me and laughed. Then I saw her vanish down the street. I got my motivation back. And her name is Ashley.

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