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3.go outside its good for u

4.screen something random outside us window like "BANANAS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD!"

5.stalk or pets

6.if u don't have a pet then stalk or sibling

7.if or an only child stalk or neghbour

8. Don't have a neighbour stalk the grass or a flower

9.make urself look like a cat

10.make a video of u doing something stupid

11.listen to music

12.draw on the sidewalk

13.make a smoothie, sand witch etc. out of random food items u find

14.random dancing

15.walk into a room playing your fave song and act like its your theme song and your going into a club like a boss

16.go swing to your imaginary friends

18.say us havbimng a sleepover with all of or imaginary friends and when ever someone goes to sit some where say "don't sit there ______________ is sitting there!"

19.take silly pictures then post them and add a silly caption all of these

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