Ghosts of the Past

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                Halloween night is like no other night. It's the one night a year that the vale between the living and the dead becomes so think that the ghosts of the past can interact with the living. Sometimes this results in frightful encounters, other times it's a sweet reunion between loved ones. And sore some it leads to a very interesting and unexpected adventure. Yuuri Katsuki was about to have one such night.

A quiet and practical student, Yuuri struggled to make many friends. Now in his second year of college, not much had changed. Expect for his brief encounters with his vibrant and popular roommate J.J.. he didn't really interact with people outside of what was necessary to fulfill his responsibilities. And he didn't have any plans of changing that.

"Hey, you sure you don't want to come to the party? It's going to be wild."

Yuuri looked over at his roommate who had invited himself into Yuuri's room without even knocking.

"No thanks." He replied looking back down at his textbook he had been studying. "I have a rest Monday I want to study more." They bother knew that was a lie. Yuuri was more than ready for the exam and he didn't need the extra study time, it was just his excuse.

"Well if you change your mind it's just down the street, feel free to come by."

Yuuri nodded and looked back at J.J. with a faint smile "Yeah okay." He wouldn't change his mind.

Looking back at his text he heard the door shut and the sounds of J.J. leaving the apartment. J.J. would be gone all night with a party like this, meaning he would have the whole apartment to himself. What should he do during that time?

As he was pondering this, staring intently at the words in his textbook, a luminous face appeared suddenly in front of him.


Yuuri screamed as he tried to push back to get away causing him to fall backwards out of his chair and land on the ground with a thud. A boisterous laugh filled the room and he watched in horror as a ghost rose slowly from his desk to float in the air above him. He was a large muscly ghost with spiky dark hair.

"You should have seen your face!" the ghost roared with laughter.

"Takeshi!" a second voice scolded and Yuuri looked over to see another ghost, a woman with short hair pulled back into a ponytail floating in the air with her hands on her hips giving the other ghost a stern look. "That's not what we are here for."

Takeshi the ghost just laughed more. "I know. I know. But some on Yuuko, you have to admit his expression was priceless."

Yuuri shook his head as he scooted back against the wall watching the two ghosts argue. "I'm losing it...I am losing my mind..."

The female ghost, Yuuko, looked at him and smiled gently as she floated over to him till she was kneeling in front of him. Yuuri felt like his eyes ere about to bug out of his skull.

"You're not crazy Yuuri." Her voice was soft and airy as she spoke softly trying to sooth him. "We don't have much time so listen carefully. Takeshi and I are your great-treat grandparents. Because the vale between the living and the dead becomes so think under the light of the Halloween moon, we are able to interact with you but only for tonight. We have been watching over you for years and tonight we have come to help you find the happiness you seek."

"the happiness I seek?" his voice cracked on the last word before he cleared his throat. "I have no idea what you are talking about." Now he knew he was really going crazy, he was responding to his hallucinations.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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