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All of the band sat in the practice room waiting for Chris and I to show up. So happened I was right. He DID decided to join. I walked in with a smile and standed infront of the band. "Okay everyone, I interduce to you, Chris! "

Chris walked in like swag. "That is me! The one and only! " Chris added. Misaki giggled and Himeno looked confused. "There is more than one Chris! " Himeno explained. "Not this one! " Chris replied. So this is why Himeno doesn't like boys...

"So this is the singer? " Kiyomi asked. "Yep, " I replied. "Okay, so y'all will be singing songs together?" Shou questioned. The way he said that sounded strange.. "Yeah.. " I replied. "Including love songs? " Johnathan added. That's why it sounded wierd.

"Uh, I- I'm not sure that we will be singing those kind of songs.. " I explained. "Why not?" Misaki asked. "Well, I guess we can.. " I replied. Then it hit me. "Though first, we need to get people to notice us. See us. Love us. We have to make a song about us.. The song will be, SORA NO HASHI! " I exclaimed.

"What's Sora No Hashi excactly? Sorry, I didn't pay attention much in school so I don't know a fourth of the English language, " Johnathan explained. "That's not english you baka, it's Japanese!" Himeno whispered yelled. "Oh.. So what does baka mean?" Johnathan asked. Himeno facepalmed.

I grab a paprer and pencil. "Any ideas?" I asked. "How about.. " Chris said,  walking foward.

"Look at the stars in the sky,
They are shining so bright,"

Misaki fainted.  "Omg,  he is a good singer, " Kiyomi whispers to Johnathan. Johnathan gets a bag of skittles and eats one.

Then Chris grabs my hand and continues,

"And those two, remind me of me and you, "

He looked at me like,  "That's your cue, "

I pulled away and stayed silent.  It is a good song,  but it had to be a love song. Get it together! It's just a song!!

"Look at the stars in the sky,
They are shimmering so bright,
They rest looks like our band too,
But the two brightest are me and you, "

Then everyone comes up with a rhythm with the song and starts playing their insturments. Misaki eventually woke up and got to her piano. Me and Chris sang together,

"We are the stars in the sky,
And we will continue too shine bright,
We will sing and play toogether,
And stand forever,
Go on and try to tear us down,
But we will rise from the ground.. "

Everyone cheered. "This song it is! " I exclaimed smiling.

The Stars in the SkyWhere stories live. Discover now