Chapter 1

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Its your first day at UA and you walk into class, you scan the room and see a boy with green hair, green eyes, and freckles. You see a boy with red spiky hair and sharp teeth. You see a girl with pink skin and yellow alien like horns. But you see someone who sparks your eye, A boy with spiky blonde hair, dark beautiful red eyes and fluffy soft looking ears. but what you notice is he looks pissed you assumed he was one of those wannabe boys that think they are better than everybody and have a ego bigger than the world. You walk to your seat and wait for the teacher to walk in, as the teacher does walk in you notice he has long-ish black hair and tired looking eyes. "Okay class.. So we have a new student they decided to join our class a little bit after class started so make then feel welcome. Y/N please come up to the front of the class and introduce yourself.

You stand up and walk to the front of the class kinda nervous. You stand there waiting for the teacher to aprove.

Your teacher Mr. Aizawa, says "Alright now you say your full name, your quirk, and your description or information about yourself."

"My name is Y/N(your name) L/N(last name) and my quirk is Telekenesis it's where I can move things with my mind. A few things about me are. . ." A kid with yellow hair and a lighting shape in his hair raised his hand. "Yes?" You point to him. "Could you show a demonstration of your quirk?" He says. "Also im Kaminari." He added. "Yeah of course!" You look around the room and see a empty desk. "I'll lift up that desk in the back." You focus and lift it up with your mind, everbody's focus was on you and the desk. You placed the desk down after moving it around a little bit, you opened your eyes and said "Well Kaminari hope that was good enough for you." You smiled. "Anyways I love wolves and dogs, my favorite color is [insert your favorite color] and my parents are divorced" you said the last sentence nervously. "Anything else..?" Mr. Aizawa said in a tired voice. "No, not that I know of" You continue your day and after class everybody hurries out trying to get home you wait for everybody to leave so you don't get caught up in the mess.

You notice the spiky haired boy stayed back aswell you deicide to be nice and walk over to greet him. "Hey there!" You say to him. "Ugh what nerd?" He replied. "Jeez no need to be so harsh" you roll your eyes at him. "HAH!?" He yells loudly. "Dude relax, what's your name though?" You ask. "Why would i tell a ner-" He says but before he could finish you cut him off. "What's your problem its only your name" You ask in confusion. "Ugh, my name is Katsuki Bakugou. Call me Bakugou though damn nerd." He says. "Hey! I have a name y'know!" You say. "Yeah, Yeah whatever Y/N. I need to go practice now." He says. "Ooo~ Can I join you?" You ask with excitement. "Huh? No!" He looked embarrased. "Pleasee?" You asked. "No is No!" He said. "But.. C'mon Pleasseee!" You begged. "Oh fine!" Bakugou said annoyed. "On the week days after school meet me at 4:00 pm and we will practice till 9:00 pm that'll give us 5 hours to practice each day. On the weekends meet me at 6:00 am and we will end it at 12:00 pm then we will meet up again if we have time, again at 4:00 pm and work till 8:00 pm." He said. "Woah! You had that all planned out" You giggled at him. "Wha- Did not!" He said embarrased. "Well where will I meet you?" You asked. "At the park." He said suprisingly calm. "And can I have your number incase im ever late I can tell you why, or like if I ever can't meet you?" You ask him. "Oh.. uh sure." He says handing you his phone to put your number in and waiting for you to hand him yours. "Oh uh here and thanks!" You hand him your phone and you exange numbers you set your contact name for yourself on Bakugou's phone to "Cutie😏❤️✨" to tease him. But little did you know he changed his on your phone to "Hottie🥵🧡" to tease you. You hand each other your phones back and you blush at the nickname he gave you and you look over at him to see him blushing a little bit and his tail is wagging. "Awhh!!" You say feeling so happy. "W-What idiot?" He says confused. "Your tail is wagging!" You say admiring how cute it is. "Sh-Shut up!! Damn tail.." he says trying to stop it from wagging but fails. "Well thanks for your number and your kindness" You wink at him. He blushes. "Yeah, Yeah now you got what you wanted now leave."he says. "Noo! I want one more thing" you giggle. "What?" He says pretending to be annoyed. "I wanna pet your ears!" You smile "No!" He replys blushing. "But..-But please?" You sound desperate. "Ugh, No!" He gets mad. You reach in to pet him and suprisingly he enventually gives in a lets you pet him. "That actually feels good don't stop.. Yeah right there" He said relaxing his face more showing a calm smile. You try not to screech bc of how cute this is so you don't ruin the moment. You pull a chair over very quietly still petting him and rest his head in your lap. You scratch behind his ears, on the top of his head, the back of his head and everywhere honestly. For a split second you hear a purr type noise come out of him while his tail is swaying gently. A few minutes pass and he fell asleep due to you petting him and then use your quirk to pick him up and take him home but then you think to yourself "I don't know where he lives.." but you dont think of taking him to your house so you ask Mr. Aizawa right before he was about to leave to ask him where Bakugou lived.

He told you and you travel to his house knocking on his door, his mother answers looking confused seeing you and you holding her son in the air. "Uh.. who are you may I ask? And why are you holding Bakugou like that?" She asks. "Heh- Sorry Miss, I was petting your son and he fell asleep on my lap and I didn't wanna wake him up so I asked Mr. Aizawa where he lived. This is the right adress right!?" You asked concerned. "Yeah SweetHeart, you're in the right place." She let out a little laugh. "Sorry about my son, how did you even get him to let you pet him?" She asked. "Oh well, heh I just kinda pet him and it must've felt good because he didn't tell me to stop" You nervously laughed. "You're a brave one.. uh whats your name?" She asked."Oh it's Y/N!" You replied. "That's a beautiful name!" She smiled. "You can come in, his room is upstairs in the 2nd room on the left." She said. "Okay Thank You miss" You say. "Mhm, Make yourself comfortable!" You walked up to Bakugou's room. . .

TBC :)

Small Note To Boost Your Mood: You are worth it, if you ever feel suicidal just please call this number 800-237-8255 its the suicide hotline number
You are amazing keep being you I love you so much.

Word count: 1,326

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