Chapter 5

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Bakugou woke you up and you yawned. "Yes Baku?" You ask him. "I was bored waiting for you to wake up so, I woke you up myself." He said. "Oh sorry I was tired I kept waking uo and falling back asleep during the night." You say tired, Bakugou then kisses your cheek and gets up. He reaches his hand out for you to grab it and which you did, he pulled you up and you walked to the closet. "Im stealing your hoodie bc i have nothing else to wear." You said. "Don't take my favorite one nerd." He said smiling knowing you'd take it anyways. You put on his favorite hoodie and you were ready, you would've changed your pants but Bakugous wouldn't fot you they'd be too baggy, and yeah you liked that style but the baggy we are talking about is like where they are way to oversized and they fall down every second. "I thought I said not to take my favorite hoodie babe." He looked at you. "Oh this? I totally didn't know this was your favorite one," you said with sarcasm. "I just liked how it looked." You smiled. "Whatever" Bakugou chuckled. You two walked to school and it was cold. Bakugou warmed you up the best he could but you were still freezing. You made it to school and you were walking through the halls approaching your class, you walked in and everybody was staring at you. It made You and Bakugou uncomfortable and Bakugou just had to say something"What the hell are you staring at! Stop looking at us!" Bakugou shouted. You flinched and Bakugou hugged you immidiately, he did this because he experiences the pain you do or he experinced the pain you did. You guys have alot in common which is amazing because you can relate to alot of things. Bakugou walked to his seat. You walked to your seat. Aizawa was in the middle of teaching but you had to go to the restroom, you raised your hand. "Yes Y/N?" Aiazawa said in his usual monotone voice. "May I go to the restroom?" You ask. "Yes you may." Aizawa said and then continued teaching. You went to the restroom and you had started your period. (again srry if you are a male, it did say Wolf Baku x Fem reader in the title) You noticed there was another girl in the stalls with you, you didnt know it yet but it was Momo from your class. "Um hello? Person beside me do you have any pads or tampons?" You asked nervously. "Oh yes ive got pads is that okay?" Momo said. "Yes thats fine" you knew it was Momo now because of the voice and you didnt feel as nervous. She handed you the pad and you did what you needed to do, washed your hands, and left. Momo had left just a few seconds before you had finished using the restroom. You sat back down in class and you felt off, you felt upset. This happened to you everytime you started your period, you just felt down after starting it. Bakugou noticed you seemed off when you walked back into the classroom, a hour or two pass and its time for training so you get into your hero costume. You almost wore your gym uniform for this bit them you remembered you are supposed to wear your hero uniform because its not gym yet. Gym is usually at the end of the day. It was a hoodied jacket thingy with gloves.

You dont know why you made that your hero costume, you just liked how it looked. The gloves help your power though, they are a special type of gloves that helps your quirk easier to use.

You wait for everyone and whem everyone arrives Mr. Aizawa gives out partners to fight. "Bakugou and Kirishima, Denki and Mina, Jiro and Sero, Y/N and Midoriya, Tsuyu and Momo, Uraraka and Iida. . ." Aizawa says going on with the groups. You and Midoriya get in your fighting stance. "Hey Midoriya just a question, have you gotten ahold of your quirk where you dont break your arms or legs?" You ask. "Yeah I have Y/N! Why?" He asks smiling. "I dont want you to get hurt." you let out a small laugh. "I won't, you ready?" Midoriya asks. "Mhm, born ready" you say smirking.

-Your thoughts-

What if I focus my quirk so well that I can use his quirk against him by shooting it back at him? I hope i dont hurt him with this method, that would be horrible. It should be fine though im smart enough right?

-out of your thoughts-

You and Midoriya just start to fight, he uses his quirk and you focus it where it hits him, luckily it wasnt too hard of a hit and he just hit the floor really hard. You pinned him down so that you had a chance of winninmg if he didnt get up in 3 seconds. He pushed you off and bounced back up making you bounce back from him, all of a sudden a cramp that felt like you were dying came in and your eyes opened in shock as you grabbed your stomach with your hands. you made a sort of "Mmfp.." noise and Izuku noticed something was wrong. "Y/N? You alright?" Midoriya asked concerned. "Yeah, its uh, cramps." You said hoping he'd understand you were on your period. "Uhh... Oh! Oh! Okay, would you like to say we call it even and we just say you won, because you pinned me down for almost 3 seconds." He said. "Uh yeah s-sure" you stuttered trying to hold in the pain. Bakugou saw you slouching down with your hand on your stomach. "Babe whats wrong are you okay? Do I have to kill him? Did he hurt you? I will kill him." Bakugou said clearly concerned. "Its just cramps, it feels like the pain of a heart attack though." You say. "Oh im sorry baby" His ears slouched down. You laugh "Your such a sofie, its adorable." You say and smile. "I am not, S-Shut up idiot" He said his face turning red blushing. Everybody had finished training and you and Baku went to Bakugous dorm because it was a free period, Bakugou already had chocolate for you, he made sure you were warm by wrapping his arms around your waist heating up his hands only a little to kinda make it like a heating pad. You stayed like that for awhile and then soon enough it was time for class, you and Bakugou walked to class.

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