Chapter 5

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Location: Rhodes Island

Somewhere inside Rhodes Island, we see tired a Doctor and Amiya who was trying to wake her up.

Somewhere inside Rhodes Island, we see tired a Doctor and Amiya who was trying to wake her up

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Amiya: Doctor... Doctor!

The Doctor groans, not wanting to be bother at the moment.

The Doctor groans, not wanting to be bother at the moment

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Doctor: Hmm...

Amiya: Please wake up Doctor... You still have work to do...

Doctor: I don't want to....

Amiya: Please wake up! Kal'tsit well be angry at you again if you over sleep!

Right now, it's early in the morning for Rhodes Island, a Pharmaceutical Company that takes in infected individuals and tries to cure the infected from their Oripathy, but the process was slow.

Doctor: Aggghhh.... Fine...

The Doctor then woke up from her desk and rubs her eyes.

Amiya: I know its early in the morning Doctor but you still have a lot more work to do, these papers need to be turn in to Kal'tsit this afternoon...

Hearing the name Kal'tsit sent shivers down the Doctor's spine.

Doctor: Papers....? Oh right, paperwork... I still need to fill out this paperwork of the infected that are assigning here in Rhodes Island...

Amiya: There sure have been a lot of infected coming here lately, I guess they have no where to go now they have Oripathy... most of them have been casted out from there homes and communities thanks to that...

Doctor: ....I know, [sigh] just wish there's a cure for it... but all we can do is just slow down the infection process....

Amiya: ....

Amiya stood there, witnessing the Doctor writing on the forms of paperwork, Amiya herself is also infected, and her Oripathy is spreading more by the day inside her. There was no "cure" for Oripathy ever since Originium was discovered, people had to start living with it even though they'll die sooner or later than living a full life.

Amiya: Doctor.... even though we can only slow the spread of the infection inside us... that doesn't mean we will not find a cure for it....

Doctor: ......

Amiya: We may not find a cure today, or tomorrow, or a few years after..... but that doesn't mean won't find one, we can find a cure, we just have to give it our all!

Doctor: .....Amiya.

The Doctor sat there in her chair behind her work, speechless from Amiya's determination about finding an end for this nightmare. Amiya then smiles at the Doctor, which made her smile back at her.

Doctor: Heh... you're right, we will find a cure for this....we just can't give up...

Amiya: Ehehe~


Location: Woods

Currently, Seraph was breathing for air as he was surrounded by piles of dead bodies. Earlier, another group of bandits attempts to ambush Seraph but end up getting their ass kicked.

Seraph: [sigh] Why can't I just get a break for once...

Suddenly, Seraph heard a noise from his side. Quickly turning to the direction, Seraph pulled out Lumina and aimed at a suspected bandit.

Coming from the wood wasn't a bandit Seraph suspected, but instead a male Sankta.

Sankta: ....

Seraph: .....

Sankta: .....

Seraph: ....

Sankta: ....

Seraph: What you wa-

The Sankta then cocks his gun before aiming at Seraph.

Seraph: !

Sankta: You...

Seraph: M-Me?

Sankta: Were you responsible for this?

The Sankta questions as he looks at the dead bandits around Seraph.

Seraph: ....Yes, I am. But they attacked me first.

The Sankta nods before asking Seraph another question.

Sankta: Where did you get that weapon?

The Sankta asks as he points Lumina held in Seraph's hands.

Seraph: Oh! This is... umm... I... Uhhh...

Seraph Thoughts: How the hell am I suppose to tell him that it transformed from a Rose?!

Sankta: You are not of the Sankta race. Nation-State Larterano is the only place to receive firearms for Sanktas and any Military companies. Where did you get that weapon from?

Seraph: Umm... would you believe me that it came from a flower?

Sankta: .....

Seraph Thoughts: I'm died...

Not believing his answer, the Sankta pointed his gun at Seraph, who was sweating nervously as the Phoenix circles around from above. 

End Of Chapter

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