Chapter 15 Triono

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After two months of training with King Kai, he and I had reached a sort of unspoken agreement. As long as I did whatever he wanted, no matter how stupid it sounded, he would cook me large meals and allow me time to meditate. This worked for both of us, as long as I didn't argue with him, I didn't have to put up with his super corny jokes, and he didn't have to put up with my "surly attitude".

I'd managed to catch bubbles after about three weeks, and after that I was forced to hit a small cricket called Gregory. That took about a week and a half, I found the large green insect was far too cocky, and I easily managed to nail him with the hammer King Kai gave me.

After that, King Kai pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. Of course he made me practice a bunch of new attacks, like the Triple Strike, the Nirvana Attack, and the Manaba (sort of like the Tasaranko), but he never made me do any serious hard exercise, instead opting to leave me under the shade of the tree and allow me to meditate.

I spent several hours a day under that tree, sometimes visualizing my attacks, but most of the time spent there was used to reflect. I reflected on everything, my life, Cris, Krillin, anything that had an impact or influenced me. When I was dying on the ground there nine months ago, only one thought flickered through my mind, the hope that I would maybe see my mom after I died.

Unfortunately people who died in my home dimension didn't come to this one after they died, so I tried to forget about her. Instead I threw myself into my training, for the first time in my life, I knew I was getting stronger, I was much stronger now than I was before I got to King Kai's planet, and still under the ten times Earth normal gravity.

I didn't mind life on the small green planet, there was no one to talk to really, but that didn't bother me, I never talked very much anyway. The only problem with the lack of wildlife was I had no one to fight. I sensed King Kai was an amazingly powerful man, despite his appearance, and to fight him would be foolhardy. So I was forced to work my ass off, mastering techniques that were based upon attacks I hadn't even heard of.

One day after my first two months I walked up to my master an asked him how many moves he could possibly teach.

"Well," he began, slumping his head in concentration "there's the Triple Strike, Nirvana Attack, Manaba, Tsuihidan, Kaioken, Spirit Bomb, Yakaran, and the Ioni Cannon."

That was an impressive list, but I had to ask "Are you going to teach me all those moves?"

He chuckled, and I was worried he was going to go into another laughing fit, but he cut himself short, answering "Oh heavens no. Half of those moves I can't even perform myself. Although I did master the Kaioken a few years ago."

I was slightly shocked, King Kai was supposed to be the best Martial Arts master in the universe, how could he be so good if he couldn't even perform half his own attacks? I stood there mind-boggled, as he continued on "There's just one man who mastered all my attacks." He said with a sigh, and shook his head.

I knew it was Goku, I'd picked up that much from Krillin back on the ship, but what I didn't know was why Goku was the only one he ever tried to teach the Spirit Bomb and Kaioken too. I decided to find out. "King Kai, why don't you teach all your students the Kaioken attack, and the Spirit Bomb?"

He looked at me quizzically, almost like he thought I was joking. He smirked slightly before answering, "To learn the Spirit Bomb, one must have a heart so pure, that no evil has touched it. Goku, and possibly his son Gohan were the only two beings like that. As for Kaioken, it allows a person to multiply their power, which in the wrong hands could cause someone to un-knowingly commit suicide. That's why I'm not teaching it to you, and I may never teach it again."

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