18 - exam

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I still couldn't believe what had happened the night before, the good and the bad.
I looked at my clock to see it was 10 am
"Shit! I'm late!"
I got up and ran downstairs,
"Calum! Calum!"
I saw him run out of the kitchen,
"What babe are you ok?!"
"Why didn't you wake me up?!"
"I thought after last night you would want a day off"
"No cal I have an exam today!"
"Oh shit sorry I..I didn't know"
"Just forget about it we will talk later, oh and good luck with the label today"
"Shit I forgot about that to!"
I ran to the door as he ran upstairs,
"Love you!"
"Love you too!"
I then sprinted down the street,and into the school.
I must have been told 'no running!' like 20 times.
I made it to the exam hall,
I replied panting,
"H..holly smith"
"Ah if you go to seat 18 and wait for time to begin"
"Thanks" I sat down and took out my pencil case I managed to stuff into my pocket, I then heard someone talking to me, Jess.
"Hey holly are you ok?"
"Not really"
" what's up?"
"Well last night something happened so Calum thought I should have a day off and forgot to wake me up!"
"Oooo bad!"
"You know your gonna get dress coded since your not even in uniform?"
"Yes she is" I heard Mrs Davidson say
"Fuck.." I whispered
"I heard what you said to Jess so I'm gonna let it slide, but I don't want it to happen again miss smith"
"Yes ma'am thank you"
"Now good luck on the exam"
But in my mind I was shitting myself.
"Holly why are you leaving!" I heard Natalie shout
"I only came for the exam, but I'll be here tomorrow!"
"Ok bye!"
I made my way home thinking how I did in the exam, probably crap since I was late.
I walked through the door to see Calum and the guys playing video games,
"Hey babe" Calum got up and tried to kiss me but I rejected,
"No Calum" I said before making my way to the kitchen.
I felt a tap on my shoulder,
"Calum I said....oh luke "
"Oh sorry"
"No it's fine I'm just annoyed at Calum"
"I noticed, so how was the exam?"
"Well before the exam I got coded so that was a great start but I think I did ok, enough to pass anyway"
" great that was your last one right?
"Yeah, hey i thought you guys had an interview today?"
"We already had it, they came to your house"
" yeah about that um.. Why are you all here why aren't you at Calum's"
"Well we were waiting with the interviewer outside Calum's house but he called us saying to come here"
"Oh ...ok"
I walked passed Luke and into the living room staying far away from Calum as possible. I saw him look at me all the time, I never returned the look until the guys had gone.
"Now there gone you and me need to talk , now"
I saw him walk over to the sofa like a little boy about to get a punishment,
"I'm sorry for shouting at you this morning, but I told you I had a exam before we went to sleep "
"I'm sorry I thought..."
"Calum " I cut him off
"Uh ok I'm really sorry babe"
I got up and walked over to him,
"I love you cal"
"I love you too" I then kissed him,
'Ding dong!' The door bell went.
"Hello miss smith may we come in?"
"Uh who are you?"
"We are death councillors"
"Oh c.come in"
I sat next to Calum. He held my hand throughout the whole thing.
By the end we decided the date of the funerals, the will, and where there bodies where being laid
" so we will put the bodies on a flight tomorrow to Miami and we will see you there next Monday"
"Ok thanks for your time and again sorry for your loss"
I shut the door and just stood there the thoughts from yesterday came back,
" holly?"
"Are..are you ok?"
"I'm fine " I said before walking upstairs .
I sat in my bed and began to cry, Calum came in,
"It's ok babe we are gonna get through it, I'm gonna come with you on Monday everything will be fine"
" I just can't believe it"
"I know, I know"
Then my phone started to ring,
"I'll get it babe" Calum said
" hello?, yes she is, I will get her,
It's your auntie "
My auntie, I love her she is like my second mother,
" hello?"
"Hi holly"
"I have something to tell you"
"Well I know you don't want to leave Sydney because of your parents so I am moving to Australia to live with you!"
" yeah I know about next Monday and when you fly back I will be with you!"
"But what about Jason?"
Jason was my cousin, he's 22 and still lives with her,
"He has his own house !"
" oh "
"Well anyway I will come to Australia and the house will still be in your name but I will pay for it"
"Auntie you don't have too"
"Yes I do, plus I heard you've got a new bf and your parents never met him so i have to give him a blessing"
I looked at Calum,
"I guess you should give him one"
He raised his head looking worried
" so I'll see you next Monday"
"Yes bye!"
I hung up the phone,
"What is she giving me?"
"You'll find out"
I said with a smile
" well the good news is I don't have to go back to Miami , my auntie is gonna live with me here!"
" great!" He said before kissing me
" oh holly I invited the guys and girls over later i need to tell you guys something"
" ok as long as no one fucks up the door this time"
"Haha promise"

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